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Ms. Visser stated that the museum has been doing public art throughout the community for a <br />while. We did the sculpture at the airport project for many years. We are now doing the <br />sightlines exhibition at the Century Center, so there will be sculptures outside as well as inside. <br />An affordable way to do public art is through loans rather than actually purchasing it. There are <br />a number of different options that can be discussed as this gets closer. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked about the collaboration with South Bend Community <br />Schools. She asked if there is any participation from the public on boards or within our program <br />with SBCS. <br />Ms. Visser stated there are two (2) representatives from South Bend School Board on the <br />Museum's Board. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if there is anything more and if there are any collaborative <br />arrangements, cross funding, or support from within the schools themselves. <br />Ms. Visser stated we've done a number of teacher workshops. We did a blog specifically for <br />teachers for a long period of time. That blog actually recently died, so the blog is not live at the <br />moment. Primarily, it's the program through which we bring the students onsite, and we offer <br />them not only tours but also hands -on work as well. We're always open to additional programs <br />as well. <br />Councilmember Broden stated Ms. Visser mentioned that $65,000 underwrites occupancy at the <br />Century Center, and that it has been a long standing arrangement. She asked long has that been <br />in existence, and has it increased or decreased. <br />Ms. Visser stated that she is just going into her third (3rd) year with the museum, and it has been <br />in place since before that time. She believes it was around $36,000 when she came in 1999. <br />There is an agreement by which the amount that the City gives to us is equal to the amount that <br />the Century Center charges us for occupancy, so it has fluctuated from time to time. When we <br />were receiving $36,000, Century Center was receiving $36,000. It was Century Center that <br />requested the increase. <br />Aaron Perri, Director of Parks, stated that the amount has been the same for at least the last nine <br />(9) years since he has been here. <br />Ms. Visser stated that it has probably been that way for closer to fifteen (15) years. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated it would be interesting to look at the metrics right now going <br />into 2017, looking at street changes, we're all interconnected. The changes at the Century <br />Center, changes with the hotels that will come up in 2017 and 2018 and what that does for the <br />Museum. Councilmember Scott expressed appreciation for where the Museum is as part of our <br />tourism package. It makes a lot of sense for you to be connected to the Century Center. It will be <br />interesting to see how things change as far as exposure to people coming to our town and <br />participation. <br />