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Ms. Belew stated that Trump came in first, and he came in on Friday the week before, so they <br />had about three (3) days' notice. <br />Ms. Belew got a call from the Washington Post asking how much the candidates spent, but they <br />were very adamant that if there was a screen in Discovery for Bernie Sanders, Trump had to pay <br />for that screen. They couldn't share any equipment. Cruz's detail was a little bit more laid back, <br />it was a smaller crowd. Bernie Sanders and the Trump campaigns were very intense. I've done <br />presidential visits before, but this was very different. With presidential visits, you just do what <br />the Secret Service says. In a campaign, you have the campaign and the Secret Service battling <br />for how everything would be set up. It was a great experience and the team was very proud of <br />themselves for being able to pull that off. <br />Committeemember Voorde stated it is so much fun to showcase the community and especially <br />what is going on downtown now, and it's exciting to see the new rooms coming. In the twelve <br />(12) years that I was City Clerk, we were only able to sell the location here once, because we <br />didn't have enough room. Clerk Fowler is already working on bringing the Clerk's conference <br />to town. Anyway, it is all good news because it makes things possible, because before there <br />wasn't even enough room for the Indiana Association of Clerk Treasurers. <br />Committee Chair White stated Ms. Belew mentioned in her opening statements the goal to work <br />with local and minority businesses. She asked what the Century Center has done to reach that <br />goal. <br />Ms. Belew stated they replaced their roof last year, and it was done by Midland Engineering, <br />who is local. When we contracted for that project, that was our number one (1) goal. We buy <br />locally, even though SNG is a national company and we have national accounts. We have an <br />account with Cisco for food, but we use Stans for food probably more than we use Cisco. <br />Committee Chair White asked if there were any more questions, and thanked Ms. Belew for her <br />presentation. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if it is possible to get more information on the capital <br />expenditures and what is going forward. Even though you are at thirty -eight percent (38 %), just <br />to get an overall picture. <br />Ms. Belew stated that it was about $11 million, and I can tell you so far since SNG came in on <br />July 1 st 2013, we have done almost $7 million of renovations and upgrades and those kinds of <br />things with the capital improvements. I can get you the exact number, but I don't have it in my <br />head. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if the Hotel Motel is kicking in for that this year. <br />Ms. Belew stated that has not been approved yet. We have presented to the allocation <br />committee, asking for $975,000 of improvements to our fire pump. It needs to be repaired <br />because it does not meet Code. These are necessities that we need to have done, and that is in <br />the thirty (30) year plan as well. <br />10 <br />