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Councilmember Dr. Varner stated he wants to go back to the Long Term Control Plan. He asked <br />what the planning is supposed to prepare the system for. <br />Mr. Horvath responded our standards are based on a ten (10) year average and that is the average <br />they want you to only have four (4) overflows a year. Our standards for other drainage control <br />are usually a once in a hundred (100) years flood. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked if there would be exemptions for that four (4) overflows a year <br />in the event of say the past week's flood. <br />Mr. Horvath responded yes there would be exemptions if that happened. We have to take a <br />typical year rainfall rate and see how the system would perform under those circumstances and <br />that should be the four (4) overflows. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked if Mr. Horvath had run any numbers for what the potential <br />revenue of a storm water rate would be. <br />Mr. Horvath responded no he had not. He just brought it up because he had a lot of people from <br />the public ask him about it. Probably the lowest rate you would see is about $1.40 a month on a <br />residential property. Some municipalities may go much higher than that to maybe $30 or $40 a <br />month. It is a flat rate for residential properties. For commercial it would be based on the <br />equivalent residential unit which is essentially square foot area. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston stated that during the Second District walking tour there <br />were concerns about the ADA ramps being put in and their craftsmanship as they were not flush <br />with the road. She asked if there was any oversight of the construction of those. <br />Mr. Horvath responded he knew that there were a lot of holes near the ramps that they should <br />have filled in before they were done and they didn't but they are going back now and doing so. <br />Committeemember Williams - Preston asked if that is an additional cost. <br />Mr. Horvath responded no. We do plans and specs and these particular plans are through the <br />federal process. The contractor needs to meet those specs. If they don't then our inspector looks <br />at it and gives the contractor a list of things they need to redo which will be at their cost if they <br />didn't do it per the plans and specs. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if plans for projects going out into the future like four (4) or five <br />(5) years are posted anywhere for the public to view. <br />Mr. Horvath responded no but it will be. We haven't had a five (5) year projection on projects <br />only for capital items like equipment. For where the next sewers or roads are being put in we <br />haven't had that far of projections. One (1) of the things that we are doing this year is making <br />sure every road is graded and then we can create a long -term plan that we can share that will say <br />these are the roads that need to be addressed first because they are in the worst shape and then <br />have a progressive plan going forward after the roads in the worst shape. <br />X <br />