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08-29-16 Personnel and Finance
Common Council
Committee Meeting Minutes
Personnel and Finance
08-29-16 Personnel and Finance
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4/21/2017 3:45:22 PM
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City Council - City Clerk
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Committee Mtg Minutes
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Committeemember Williams- Preston stated she had no questions at this time. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked about the process for how the City buys its road salt. <br />Mr. Horvath responded that certain things like janitorial supplies we bid out but some things like <br />road salt we go through the state bidding process. <br />Committeemember Dr. Varner asked if we are done with the road paving for this year and if we <br />are not can we get an update. <br />Mr. Horvath responded no and he will send the Council an update of everything paved to date <br />and also what is yet to be paved. Mr. Horvath stated he would do the same with curbs and <br />sidewalks. <br />Committeemember Dr. Varner asked if someone could look at the curb and street on Donmoyer <br />in front of Monroe School. It needs patched and repaired. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked if we still do our own paving. <br />Mr. Horvath responded that we do, this year we are doing approximately twenty -two (22) lane <br />miles. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked about the timeline for the long term control plan, <br />specifically related to after our plan is finalized and it goes to the EPA. <br />Mr. Horvath responded that he doesn't know if anyone could answer that truthfully. Part of the <br />issue is how willing the EPA, Department of Justice, and IDEM are willing to come to the table. <br />We are going to try to make as compelling a case as we can both from a financial standpoint and <br />environmental standpoint. The plan they originally had was not going to work, they had tanks <br />that were sized twice as big as they needed to be and some much smaller than they needed to be. <br />We are hoping that they will come to the table and a lot of it will come to how much we push <br />back and that's what the stakeholder group is figuring out. It will get difficult if we try to change <br />a level of control. Right now they said we can have four (4) overflows per year at the end of this <br />process. If we try to push back and say we want eight (8) overflows per year that will make it a <br />much more difficult process and much more time consuming process. Initial negotiations take a <br />couple years on average and renegotiations take anywhere from one (1) year to three (3) years. <br />Mr. Horvath asked Councilmember Dr. Varner what he thought about it. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated there has been a bunch of stuff and possibly a <br />resolution from the Council would be helpful to go to the EPA with some statements of fact. <br />Mr. Horvath stated they have had a number of meetings with the EPA and it has been very <br />helpful to tell them that the community is asking for this and it is important for the community. <br />They tell us they want that input so if we can give it to them that would be hugely beneficial. <br />Hopefully that process wouldn't be more than a year and a half. In the meantime we will <br />C <br />
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