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outside of the statutory limit. Right now, if the ticket is over two (2) years old, we cannot <br />actively go after the individual for collections. <br />We currently write about $1.1 million worth of parking tickets, but we haven't been able to <br />actively collect on all of them because we did not have access to the BMV information. We <br />gained access to that information on May 1, 2016. Since then, we have worked on over 8,000 <br />tickets, and we've collected on 2,000 of those tickets. <br />The Office of the City Clerk will work in collaboration with stakeholders, City departments and <br />DTSB to determine a mutually convenient date and approach. Amnesty day will be advertised <br />through press releases, the City website, the Clerk's Office's distribution lists and social media. <br />Right now, we don't have a projection of how much this will bring in because there is not <br />enough historical data. Chicago has been very successful. Last year they saw a forty percent <br />(40 %) increase in collections, and brought in $7 million for the City. That included parking <br />tickets and all City violations. <br />Councilmember Voorde asked if it costs anything to use the BMV search, and Clerk Fowler <br />explained that it costs $1 per license plate search. Most people are repeat offenders, so the same <br />license plates get the same tickets over and over. <br />Committeemember Ferlic motioned to send Substitute Bill No. 58 -60 to full Council favorably, <br />Committeemember Voorde seconded and it carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Committeemember Ferlic motioned to send Bill No. 16 -81 to the full Council favorably, <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston seconded and it carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill No. 64 -16: Parks Department Re- Organization <br />James Mueller, 141h floor of the County City Building, this ordinance officially names the new <br />umbrella department to bring parks, city venues and parking garages together, and it also <br />establishes the new department of Innovation and Technology. You can find the organization <br />charts before and after in their budget presentations which are on file in the City Clerk's Office. <br />This will make the organizations more efficient and provide better outcomes. Due to some <br />complications with the state code that governs park departments, there is a new line that says <br />"we do not forfeit any rights or privileges due to this name change ". We also cleaned up a lot of <br />positions in the municipal code. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand stated that there is a scrivener's error under <br />Section One (1) that needs to be amended, in the title it should be section two dash thirteen (2- <br />13) as opposed to two point thirteen (2.13). <br />Committeemember Ferlic motioned to make the correction, Committeemember Voorde <br />seconded, and it carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Councilmember Broden asked about changes in Administration and Finance, Community <br />Investment, and Code Enforcement and whether or not any of those need to be reflected in the <br />title. The changes also were not referenced in the statement of intent. <br />5 <br />