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Councilmember Tim Scott stated the Council, the Mayor, the Clerk, all of their information was <br />presented to us twenty (20) days ago, and we all had time to ask questions and do whatever we <br />needed to do. <br />Committee Chair White stated that the comparison they asked for and the percentage that was <br />mentioned is that knowing that this was going to be an issue and not to focus on one (1) position, <br />but to look at it from the total number and again just giving that information. I do .support the <br />request, but I think that in order for us to have the level of conversation that we need as a <br />Council, and that we are looking at apples and apples, so we are not focusing on just this <br />position, and as we go back two (2) or three (3) years ago, we had a number of increments that <br />were very tremendous, and we talked about all of those, and we still passed most if not all of <br />those, so I would like to ask the presenter if she would be willing to allow the Council to look at <br />the information that we just received at 4:10, so everyone can have the information. <br />Councilmember Davis asked if she wants the presenter to move it to two (2) weeks from today. <br />Councilmember Scott announced that the Mayor sent a press release this afternoon that he would <br />be raising the minimum wage to $10.10, skipping the incremental increase. We also have the <br />non - bargaining salaries to look at. The information is there for any of the salaries that are being <br />discussed. <br />City Clerk Kareemah Fowler stated that she would like to take it for a vote tonight, because the <br />Council has the information, and if they go off of the historic information and the information <br />that I have presented, I personally don't want to drag this out for two (2) more weeks. <br />Committee Chair White stated that it is important though, that the media does not focus on this <br />position alone. There are other positions, and when we put this information out it shouldn't be <br />focused on one (1) position. The presenter has indicated that she wished to move forward. <br />Committeemember Ferlic motioned to send Bill No. 57 -16 to the full Council favorably. <br />Councilmember Davis asked if it could be amended. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand stated that it could be amended. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston seconded it, and it carried by three (3) ayes and one nay <br />( Committeemember Voorde). <br />Committeemember Voorde asked if they could take the upcoming bills, Bills No. 56 -16, 57 -16, <br />62 -16, 63 -16, and 44 -16 and continue all five (5) of them. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand responded that because a motion had already been made on <br />Bill No. 57 -16, the Council determined that they would move on. <br />Bill No. 62 -16: 2017 Mayor Salary <br />13 <br />