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Mr. Shank works in Stark County, one (1) of the poorest counties in the nation. Stark <br />County he argues would welcome the creative, young developers like Matthews LLC to <br />improve the county, so we should welcome the development as progress that not all <br />municipalities have the opportunity to consider. <br />Meghan Kirwan- 223 E. Colfax, a resident in a Matthews LLC development cites living <br />in the downtown as the reason for her engagement in the arts which would not be <br />possible without Dave's investment. <br />Deborah Mayer- 1524 Cedar Street, opera singer and adjunct at Notre Dame who's lived <br />in South Bend for ten (10) years. The recent developments in downtown are exciting and <br />David has proven his ability to create successful developments. The only reason she <br />currently doesn't live in downtown due to the lack of a pharmacy and grocery store. She <br />supports the development one - hundred percent (100 %). <br />Adam MacMillian- 215 E. Colfax, says there was a lack of development and enthusiasm <br />in the downtown before 2005, but now there's a substantial amount of progress in the <br />downtown. Growing up his family never went downtown, so he welcomes this <br />development as an opportunity to continue to attract patrons and residents to the <br />downtown. <br />Willow Wetherall- 701 N. Niles Ave., supports the project and its design which she finds <br />in line with the City's efforts to create a livable, walkable downtown. She recently moved <br />with her family to downtown and convinced her mother to move downtown from Los <br />Angeles. The downtown lacks family housing and is more geared to young professionals, <br />singles and empty nesters. This development gives families the opportunity to consider <br />downtown as an alternative to suburban living. <br />Mary Bundy- 318 S. Frances St., moved to South Bend six (6) years ago when it was <br />considered a "dying city," but loves living in Howard Park along the river. She has seen <br />her neighborhood turn around in that short period of time and is happy to see more <br />progress come to the neighborhood through Matthews LLC continuing to invest in the <br />neighborhood. The building height and proposed density excited Ms. Bundy about the <br />energy it'll bring to downtown for baby boomers and millennials. <br />Cathy Dietz- 1031 E. Jefferson Blvd., family moved to South Bend from California in <br />1991 because of its beauty and affordability. She always recognized the potential in <br />South Bend and especially in the Howard Park neighborhood given the proximity to the <br />river. The last five (5) years has experienced a period of growth and the new project <br />brings more momentum to an already improving development. <br />Rob Bartels- 760 Cotter St., in Mr. Bartels' opinion the only answer to poverty is <br />prosperity and the only road to prosperity is development, investment, taking risk and <br />making that work for everybody. This is a rare opportunity to welcome growth to the <br />downtown which hasn't been available for generations. There are several new <br />developments downtown that contribute to the momentum, but the current demographics <br />