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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />like us that work in the City. But we don’t have the say so in who’s been hired and then we get <br />blamed for the people who are not being hired. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg (Presenter) - I would say the separate roles of the legislative and executive point <br />to the executive, in this case the Mayor. Or lead by the Mayor or being responsible for personnel <br />decisions including hiring. That being said, I certainly welcome input, views, and any vision that <br />members of the Council would like to contribute. This is a very important issue. It’s one that <br />calls for input and views from throughout the community. There are few people better <br />positioned to offer that than members of the Council. That input is welcome. Though of course <br />the final decision with any hiring process rests within the executive branch. <br /> <br />Council Member Henry Davis Jr. - I understand that but we only have to approve the money so <br />that you can hire that person. I am asking for a shared interest in this, Sir. This is not meant to <br />be a sparring match but if we’re approving the money to support the hiring of these individuals <br />and we’re asking, I’m asking that we have a seat at the table so that we can get the best person or <br />the best people that work at the City level. There is no reason if you are not interested to <br />approve it we don’t get what we need out of it, for the residents of South Bend. The municipal <br />ID issue as well, I had a bill that was filed and obviously you are trying to not do a policy change <br />before municipal ID. I’ve seen it work in cities such as Richmond, Ca, where there was policy <br />change that was done and it went with an educational component. That allows everybody to <br />understand exactly what is going on because people have all these mixed views about <br />immigration, etc. Again, shared interest again we are asking because we are a bit confused on <br />the $18,000 in the program because we still don’t know and just said as well. In approving <br />$18,000 for a program that we know nothing about again, Sir, that is bit farfetched. As a matter <br />of fact, I know it is. In the interim I’m asking that we share in the planning of that for the <br />betterment of the citizens. Are you interested in that? <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg (Presenter)- I would absolutely welcome a proposal from you or any other <br />member as to what details you would like to see included as we make our decision about how to <br />design the program. What we are asking for here is funding the program and making sure that <br />the resources are there when the time comes to implement it. There are different models of how <br />to do a municipal ID program, some call for an ordinance some do not. I think that regardless of <br />what version is going to take place here more Council input can be expected whenever <br />appropriate. What we are really looking for here is to make sure, since this is our one (1) time of <br />the year when we do budgeting in regular order that the funds to do it are in place. The role of <br />the Council is to decide whether to allow that to be possible by funding it or not funding it. The <br />role of the administration will be design the policy input from any members of the public, <br />especially council members would be welcome anytime. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. - My last question is this: Why haven’t we moved past tax base <br />expansion only to TIF districts? I am seeing an absorbent amount of attention being paid to TIF <br />districts I know the reality is because of the support of the TIF district to infrastructure <br />improvement etc. public or private partnerships but we are losing the battle when it relates to the <br />general revenue for the old part of the City or the City where a lot of the neighborhoods are at <br />that’s not in the TIF districts. Is there a plan in place because I didn’t necessarily see it in the <br />budget that is going to help introduce an expansive tax base within areas that are not in TIF <br />districts? <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg (Presenter) - The intention of our economic development is to expand <br />opportunity in every part of the City. Naturally you are going to be seeing more economic tools <br />being used in TIF districts because that’s where those tools are. That’s where we are able to <br />make contributions under the law using funds that are targeted for use in redevelopment areas. I <br />certainly don’t think that the only place we can make a difference is in those TIF districts. I <br />think you’ll see that both as you review this budget and as you look at the overall planning that <br />we are doing. That we are very often working in areas that are not in TIF districts. So, yes that <br />is always part of our plan. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. - We are working in parts of the city not necessarily creating a <br />tax base or taxable land. Working at a cemetery that is not in the TIF district or right outside the <br />TIF district is not necessarily an expansion of the tax base. I get that, I am asking about taxable <br />20 <br /> <br /> <br />