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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />42-15 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 16, <br />SECTIONS 16-6 AND 16-8 OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE <br />TO ADJUST FEES FOR CITY COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF <br />REFUSE (SOLID WASTE) MATERIALS <br />43-15 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 16, <br />SECTIONS 16-6 AND 16-8 OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE <br />TO ADJUST FEES FOR CITY COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF <br />REFUSE (SOLID WASTE) MATERIALS <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember White Chairperson, Personnel and Finance Committee, reported that they met <br />this afternoon on Bills 41-15, 42-15, and 43-15 and due to a lack of quorum there is no <br />recommendation. <br /> <br />Mayor Pete Buttigieg; Offices on the 14th Floor (Presenter) - I will be brief before turning it over <br />to John Murphy and my other colleagues. I want to begin this with a big thank you to <br />Chairperson White of the committee, the council members, and council leadership, and <br />everybody that has had a hand in bringing the budget together. I brought a copy because I think <br />it’s important for the public to have a feel for just how much information, much data, and how <br />much work is involved in the budget that our administration is presenting tonight. Tonight’s <br />hearing is the next step in a process that has included nine (9) public meetings with council <br />members as well as three (3) public presentations to communicate the budget strategy and its <br />contents. I want to thank the members of our department that have worked to provide a deeper <br />and fuller information requested to shed light on many details that council members have <br />expressed interest in. That process is continuing. We responded to approximately two-hundred <br />(200) questions so far and forwarded three-hundred and seventy-six (376) pages of information <br />last time I checked. I know this reflects both councilmembers doing their due diligence on needs <br />to understand what we’re proposing be voted on as well as relaying questions for concerned and <br />interested members of the public and so we continue to work to gather any information needed <br />th <br />for the vote that is scheduled for the 12 of October. <br /> <br />Today’s budget is trying to balance the needs and resources of the community while keeping <br />South Bend’s fiscal strength intact. The focus is to continue South Bend’s extraordinary come <br />back in economic and civil terms, while making sure the benefits of this growth are felt by every <br />family and every neighborhood in the city. That was exceptionally challenging this year because <br />property tax revenue has not substantially increased. For that reason I instructed every <br />department supported by property income taxes to prepare a budget with as close to zero percent <br />(0%) net growth as possible. They were able to do this while offering a two percent (2%) raise <br />and absorbing a twenty percent (20%) increase in health care costs without major cuts to <br />personnel which is a credit to those efforts. <br /> <br />Much of what you are going to see in the budget today is reflecting on the need to continue <br />delivering on what has worked in recent years. You will see changes in order to build out areas <br />we believe we need to build more inclusion, innovation, and sustainability. I just want to say a <br />brief statement about that before sending it over for full presentation. <br /> <br />When it comes to inclusion I want to emphasize that this budget contains a strategy for <br />addressing an issue that has been on everybody’s mind recently that is diversity and inclusion in <br />our workforces and City operations. The workforce made gains and we may be ahead of some of <br />our neighbors but we are still a long way to go before we are able to say our workforce reflects <br />the community it serves. So that’s the reason that we seek in this budget to create the position of <br />a diversity and inclusion officer. Having taken onboard input from the Council we are asking <br />that this be installed as a direct report to the Mayor’s Office in order to make sure it has City- <br />wide visibility and authority. <br /> <br />There are two (2) pillars to the strategy that will be overseen by this office. One is vendors, this <br />is taking up the work that previously had been done by the compliance officer and would <br />continue to be guided by the utilization board and employees. Where we can continue to grow in <br />hiring and recruiting upper management practices, I would expect the incumbent in this position <br />18 <br /> <br /> <br />