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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />that commitment, I have that commitment, they have that commitment, and now we can move <br />together as a team. Now we can eat at your place. Thank you. <br /> <br />Committee of Whole Chairperson White- We would like thank everyone councilmembers, public, <br />presenters, petitioner for your input, and for addressing questions that pertain to this very important <br />project in our community. I do know that Martin’s are good partners; I had the opportunity to <br />work with them when IU housing first was opening up. We are able to work with three entities: <br />The State, Mishawka, South Bend and IUSB to bring about change. In terms at looking at what <br />would be best not only for Martin’s but also for the students we served. I am very confident as we <br />move forward that we will be able to do the same for this wonderful site. I would like to thank <br />Martin’s for your commitment and your investment in our city. I look forward to the grand <br />opening. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion send Bill 34-15 to the full council with a favorable <br />recommendation and set the third reading for October 12. Councilmember Dr. Ferlic seconded the <br />motion which carried by a voice vote of six (6) ayes and one (1) nay Councilmember Henry Davis <br />Jr. <br /> <br /> <br />44-15 SECOND READING OF THE BILL FOR TRANSPO BUDGET <br /> <br />Councilmember White Chairperson, Personnel and Finance Committee, reported that they met <br />this afternoon on this bill and due to a lack of quorum there is no recommendation. <br /> <br />David Cangany General Manager of Transpo (Presenter) - I’m going to go over our 2016 annual <br />budget. This is probably the fourth year that we’ve come before the Common Council based on <br />a change in Indiana Code that requires us to come before one of our governing authorities as <br />opposed to our board of directors as we are a municipal corporation receiving tax dollars to <br />operate our system. The 2016 budget at a glance is just shy of 11 million dollars. The 2016 <br />budget is balanced, that is always great news to start out the year on a level playing field. The <br />most important thing is that we are maintaining the service level from 2015 and our passengers <br />will see no decrease in service. <br /> <br />When you look at our expenses, almost ninety percent (90%) of our expenses are (inaudible) <br />through contracts especially on the wage side. With our bargaining unit workforce about <br />seventy-two (72%) of that is tied up in wages and benefits. That is through a three (3) year <br />agreement we have the Amalgamated Transit Union Local #996. We do have a little bit of an <br />increase planned for our operating expenses this coming year but again we are making it happen. <br />The labor expenses are going up slightly. We just finally reached an agreement with our <br />bargaining unit workforce on an expired contact we had. We are excited to have that resolution <br />so we can then plan for the coming years; the next three (3) years are locked in the contract with <br />our union. Dental and health insurance are the same kind of thing we keep talking about year <br />after year we come before you, we’re working with our workforce to look at options. This <br />contract that we just went through with our employees we negotiated and we’ll hopefully see <br />some leveling off on our health insurance. <br /> <br />Unfortunately, with the healthcare reform we’ve seen quite a bit of increase over the last few <br />years in regards to health insurance. Fuel, this is one area where we are going to see a decrease <br />for the 2016 calendar year to the tune of almost for $400, 000 by converting our fleet from <br />tradition diesel to compressed natural gas. To date Transpo has taken delivery of sixteen (16) <br />brand new buses. They are out in service and it’s great to be paying one (1) dollar per gallon <br />versus the almost three (3) dollars a gallon we had been paying in the past for fuel. When you <br />look at our revenue, we are very limited in where we can kind of pull money in from. We have a <br />lot of different areas but we’re limited in how we can leverage those areas. One of the areas that <br />we’ve been increasing revenue in and really something that we do not want to do but is <br />something we have to do in order to keep our service running is by taking Federal Operating <br />Assistance, so essentially dollars we’d be using to make capital improvements such as buy new <br />vehicles, buses, and things like that, we’ve been converting those over to operate the system on. <br /> <br />15 <br /> <br /> <br />