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Mr. Chapman responded that they were required to have perimeter landscaping all around the <br />site. Basically what we said is you need to have something along the front but they already have <br />the rest covered. <br />Garry Potts, Owner of Professional Permits with offices at 58171 Dragon Fly Court, Osceola, IN <br />representing Cook Land Group, represented the petitioner of this bill. The petitioner had <br />previously rented a building on Cleveland Rd. within the industrial park and in December <br />purchased a building and renovated it for the purposes of having an indoor showroom. They <br />provide vans and SUVs with lowered floors and other modifications for the handicap in order to <br />enable them to drive. They have remodeled the show room and also have some vehicles <br />outdoors. They thought they were okay with zoning but when they went to renew their dealer <br />license they found out the Light Industrial was insufficient. <br />No one from the public spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the bill. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill 40 -16 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Councilmember John Voorde seconded the motion which carried by <br />a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly joined the meeting at 4:11 p.m. <br />Amended Bill No. 40 -16 — Commerce Center PUD Rezoning at 401 E. Colfax <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to continue Bill 40 -16 to October 10th 2016. <br />Committeemember Jo M. Broden seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of four (4) <br />ayes. <br />Committeemember Broden stated they are looking to schedule an informational meeting on this <br />bill and are waiting to hear back from Community Investment for the date. By tonight's meeting <br />we should have a firm date. <br />Committee Chair Davis stated at the Area Plan Commission meeting the Community Investment <br />Department wrote a letter stating they are in opposition but at the last public hearing portion they <br />said they are for it. Committee Chair Davis asked if the Council Attorney could send them a <br />letter asking for a detailed letter on why they are now in favor of the project. He also asked if <br />they would send a copy of that letter to Area Plan as well. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand stated there is a text amendment that will be forthcoming <br />and may be filed as early as October 10th for First Reading. By state law it requires a majority of <br />the Council to be in support of it moving forward for procedural reasons only. It is a text <br />amendment to Title Twenty -One (21). She asked Committeemember Gavin Ferlic to provide <br />some more detail. <br />Committeemember Ferlic stated it is what we previously discussed in the Central Business <br />District. It allows more than two (2) unrelated people to live together to promote density. It <br />would be limited by the number of bedrooms and we are thinking of allowing up to four (4) <br />2 <br />