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Councilmember Broden asked if a golf committee is part of any of the recommendations that the <br />Park Board is looking at. <br />Mr. Perri stated that he envisions at least two (2) more advisory committees, possibly for <br />recreation or athletics rather than narrowing them as much as golf. <br />Councilmember Broden expressed her appreciation for Mr. Perri and the Park Board's work. <br />Committeemember Oliver Davis asked if the Council can be included in the plans, and Mr. Perri <br />offered to add it to the resolution. <br />Councilmember Broden brought up the great work being done at Bowman Creek, and explained <br />that there are a lot of benefits coming from the students and volunteers that are working out <br />there. <br />Councilmember Broden stated that Gary Gilot and another professor from Notre Dame wrote the <br />grant and put together internships, and now there are multiple rain gardens and other specific <br />improvements in the park. <br />The Committee discussed having Gary Gilot come to the Council to give an update. <br />Committeemember Dr. Varner explained that even though it is a large volunteer project, the <br />grant has taken care of many of the monetary expenses. <br />Committee Chair Kelly asked Mr. Perri to discuss how the ropes course is coming as well as the <br />letter Vice President Davis sent out today regarding restrooms in the parks. <br />Mr. Perri stated that he has received several comments regarding the Seitz Park restrooms this <br />year. The portable restrooms were eliminated in Seitz Park, and the Parks Department made a <br />deal with the Emporium to allow park patrons to use restrooms in the atrium of the building. <br />The deal is that they keep them unlocked from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily. There is signage <br />in the park and on the door indicating the location of the restrooms. We had complaints about <br />the cleanliness and unsavory activity that happens in portable restrooms after hours. Now where <br />there used to be two (2) toilets, there are now eight (8) with running water and a comfortable <br />place for parents to change their babies or people can change out of their East Race clothes. The <br />down side is that it is a little further away. <br />There was one time when the restrooms were locked early during one of our busiest days, the <br />fourth (4th) of July during the concert and fireworks. <br />Committeemember Davis asked if there is any way to look at having restrooms a little closer to <br />the park. <br />Committeemember Dr. Varner stated that he has been to events where they bring in top notch <br />restrooms with air conditioning that are as nice as anything you could build. He asked if Mr. <br />Perri would look into getting them for Seitz Park. <br />3 <br />