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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br />KAREEMAH FOWLER, CITY CLERK <br />PARC AUGUST 8, 2016 4:18 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Committee Members Absent: <br />Other Council Present: <br />Others Present: <br />Agenda: Elbel Park & <br />Randy Kelly, Oliver Davis, John Voorde, Dr. David Varner <br />John Mazurkiewicz, Ralph Lampkin <br />Jo M. Broden, Regina Williams- Preston, Gavin Ferlic <br />Kareemah Fowler (late), Jennifer Coffman, <br />Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand, Adriana Rodriguez <br />Golf course Update, Aaron Perri- Superintendent of Parks & Rec. <br />Committee Chair Randy Kelly called the meeting of the PARC Committee to order at 4:18 p.m. <br />with one item on the agenda. <br />Elbel Park & Golf course Update, Aaron Perri- Superintendent of Parks & Rec. <br />Aaron Perri, Executive Director of South Bend Parks, brought a monthly update on Elbel. It <br />consists of a summary of the six (6) recommendations as well as a timeline of what has happened <br />since those recommendations were made. The USGA report came back after Elbel and Erskine <br />were visited, and it is available in the Office of the City Clerk. Orbis Environmental Consulting <br />also reported on their twelve (12) visits to Elbel, where they took inventory of everything out <br />there. Mr. Perri has already put together preliminary recommendations on how to better manage <br />that property as it relates to those topics. The full report will not be ready until next May, <br />because they have to see the full growing season over a period of one (1) year. The bulk of the <br />growing season is the summer, so they have already been able to give us good information. <br />A night sky assessment was completed by Chuck Buetter at Nightwise, which is on the Parks <br />Department website and available in the Office of the City Clerk. <br />JJ Keegan and Associates has been working on an ongoing, in depth consulting process. They <br />first came and did secret shopping and played every course in the area. They did a lot of <br />comparing and contrasting of what we have to offer in this marketplace. The secret shopping <br />was extremely valuable. Six (6) members of our golf team have spent about ninety (90) minutes <br />per week with them on focused topics as they relate to our golf operations. Meanwhile, he is <br />455 County -City Building - 227 W. Jefferson Boulevard • South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Phone 574- 235 -9221 • Fax 574- 235 -9173 • TDD 574- 235 -5567 • <br />JENNIFER M. COFFMAN ALKEYNA M. ALDRIDGE EMILY SEXTON <br />CHIEF DEPUTY/ CHIEF OF STAFF DEPUTY/ DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br />