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REGULAR MEETING <br />July 25, 2016 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana met in the <br />Council Chambers of the County -City Building on Monday, July 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The <br />meeting was called to order by Council President Tim Scott and the Invocation was given by Raj <br />Kohli from the Hindu Temple and Community Center of Michiana and Pledge to the Flag was <br />given. <br />ROLL CALL <br />COUNCIL MEMBERS: <br />PRESENT: <br />Tim Scott <br />Randy Kelly <br />Josephine Broden <br />Dr. David Varner <br />Oliver J. Davis <br />John Voorde <br />Gavin Ferlic <br />Karen L. White <br />ABSENT: <br />Regina Williams- Preston <br />OTHERS PRESENT: <br />Kareemah Fowler <br />Jennifer Coffman <br />Alkeyna Aldridge <br />Joseph Molnar <br />Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand <br />Adriana Rodriguez <br />Pt District, President <br />3" District <br />4th District <br />5th District <br />6th District, Vice President <br />At -Large <br />At- Large, Chairperson Committee of the Whole <br />At -Large <br />2nd District <br />City Clerk <br />Chief Deputy Clerk <br />Deputy Clerk <br />Clerk Executive Assistant <br />Council Attorney <br />Legal Research Assistant <br />REPORT FROM THE SUB - COMMITTEE ON MINUTES <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion that the minutes of the July 11, 2016 meeting of the <br />Council be accepted and placed on file. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />SPECIAL BUSINESS <br />DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. STREET RENAMING COMMITTEE REPORT <br />Robert Smith, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Men's Club, spoke on behalf of the Special <br />Committee. The Committee officially submitted their report to the Common Council which is on <br />file in the City Clerk's Office. The Committee was established by Resolution 4443 -15 and <br />supported by Mayor Pete Buttigieg. The Committee met and identified its expectations which <br />were to review the impact on residents and businesses of any proposed route, to identify the <br />potential streets to be re -named for Dr. Martin Luther King, and solicit public input. All meetings <br />were open to the public and meeting notices were handled by the City Clerk's Office. The <br />Committee identified criteria that a street should have to carry Dr. King's name. The street <br />should be well maintained, of significant length, should not be an honorary street, and an existing <br />or future bus route should be on the street. Therefore, the Committee voted to expand the current <br />Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive north to Michigan Street on Marion Street and south to the <br />