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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 25, 2016 <br />Carter Chambers, 52055 Oak Past Granger IN, spoke in favor of the bill. He stated he is on the <br />South Bend Lacrosse team and the flag and star represents to him passion, energy and <br />determination. This gives the South Bend School Corporation elementary and middle school kids <br />a chance to play under a great symbol. <br />Willow Wetheral, 1741 Wall St., spoke in favor of the bill. She was part of the public process to <br />give input on the flag. She thinks the process was handled very well even though whenever you <br />are doing something with so many different opinions it is going to be difficult. It really is a great <br />design and is already doing what it was intended to do by being adapted by the community so <br />quickly. Ms. Wetheral expressed she loves wearing her shirt (which was inspired by the flag <br />design) around the City. She stated people love the shirt and ask her where they can purchase one <br />and at the St. Patrick's parade she handed out many flags because children especially were so <br />enthusiastic about the design. Ms. Wetheral presented several names of people who could not be <br />at the meeting but expressed support of the flag. This design is clearly working and she hoped <br />that it is passed unanimously tonight. <br />Johnathan Anderstrom, 526 W. Western Ave, spoke in favor of the bill. This flag meets all the <br />criteria that you would want in a city flag. It has distinct characteristics and a unique design as <br />well as projecting the heritage, solidarity, innovation and consecutiveness of our great City. Mr. <br />Anderstrom expressed that flags are incredibly powerful symbols that can offer hope and rally <br />groups of people together of varying backgrounds and heritages. We are seeing these positive <br />attributes of a flag with what the community is already doing. <br />Lisa Gallagher, 54384 Ivy Rd., spoke in favor of the flag. She stated her favorite part of the flag <br />is that the community was involved in the entire process. To have a city that solicits input from <br />the community members is inspiring and she really likes the design. <br />Chuck Bueder, 15893 Ashville Lane Granger IN, spoke in favor of the flag. He stated flags <br />express symbols that represent our greatest ideals and the symbol of a star is perfect to do so. Mr. <br />Bueder asked the Council to also remember to protect the real stars through good outdoor <br />lighting practices. <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition of the bill: <br />Marguerite Taylor, 714 E. Corby Blvd., spoke against the bill and represented the North East <br />Neighborhood Council. She stated the flag is great and she was one of the people who voted <br />online however; at their meeting they had a very long conversation about the history of the six - <br />pointed star and its symbolism to the Jewish Community. Ms. Taylor read a letter from the <br />President of the North East Neighborhood Council which requested the Council reject the flag <br />design with the six - pointed star. Ms. Taylor submitted the letter which is on record in the City <br />Clerk's Office. <br />Gary King, 730 N. Hill St., spoke against the bill. Mr. King referenced the classic story "The <br />Emperor's New Clothes" and how he is the only person who can see what is really going on. <br />Unfortunately we have all these people who think this is a great flag and are really getting <br />involved with spreading the flag but last November the Council passed a resolution that had <br />criteria for the flag including symbols of connectivity, ethnic heritage and innovation. Mr. King <br />believes this design does not meet the criteria that the Council set forth and the Council should <br />vote no. The six - pointed star, representing the six (6) Council districts, is nowhere referenced in <br />the resolution. The process was flawed because instead of displaying all the flags they narrowed <br />it down to only three (3) that had essentially the same design and all had the six (6) pointed star. <br />The Chicago Flag is the only flag in the United States that has that red star and every time we <br />look at that flag we will think of Chicago and not South Bend. Mr. King presented his idea to <br />replace the star with the torch of Indiana. <br />Charles Smith, 2023 S. Taylor, thanked the little kid for coming and speaking. He stated he is not <br />for the flag or against the flag but the City should have had a more inclusive process in picking <br />the flag. <br />Ann Puzello, 1247 E. Lasalle, stated as a private citizen she can change her mind about her <br />opinions and this is an instance where that happened. She stated she has spoken to people since <br />the Committee meeting, including the Invocator for tonight, and learned that the Star of David is <br />5 <br />