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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 25, 2016 <br />work for the Committee, minutes were very comprehensive and made available. The information <br />they gathered on Drop Box is tremendous and that is a model to move forward as well. <br />Council Vice President thanked everyone for their work in this process as we have come such a <br />long way from when this all started. The recommendations lead us to a safer and more <br />productive plan to take care of Elbel and the parks. He also thinks it is not time to say goodbye to <br />the Committee. The Council was the group that formed the Committee and it is not up to the <br />committee to disband themselves it is up to the Council. The issue of the forty -five (45) days was <br />just to make sure we were going to have Elbel running this year. It was his understanding and <br />hope that it would be a much longer process. There is nothing wrong with having more <br />committees as a Council because we need more time for many of these decisions. This process <br />has allowed people to come and not only focus on the parks but a specific park and you cannot <br />do that at a normal Common Council meeting. We have a group of interested citizens in this <br />community on this issue and we should use that knowledge. If we use this committee process we <br />will have a stronger city. We need to look at passing this resolution and then also vote to see <br />whether we should disband this Committee or not. He recommended that the vote to disband this <br />Committee be on the agenda for May 9th 2016. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated in the original resolution there was a forty -five (45) day <br />time period identified. That time expired on April 15th 2016 so the opportunity may be to create a <br />new resolution to extend the Committee. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand stated any member of the Council can ask for a <br />new resolution to extend the Committee. <br />Council Vice President stated we do not have to make this decision tonight but his opinion in <br />accepting this resolution tonight does not disband the Committee. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to adopt Substitute Bill 16 -45. Councilmember <br />Randy Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a roll call vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic served as Chair of the Common Council meeting for the hearing on <br />Bill 16 -46 <br />16 -46 A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A 9- MEMBER <br />ADVISORY SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND <br />RECOMMEND ALL REASONABLE AND VIABLE <br />OPTIONS FOR MULTIPLE OFF LEASH DOG PARKS <br />TO BE LOCATED IN THE CITY SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA <br />Councilmember John Voorde reported that the Health and Public Safety Committee met and <br />sends this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis served as the presenter and petitioner for this bill. This bill would <br />establish a nine (9) member advisory special committee to study all viable and reasonable <br />options for multiple off leash dog parks. Other cities in Indiana have multiple dog parks and <br />South Bend only just opened our first one. We as a City need to study our own park lands and <br />see what areas should be used for certain purposes. We hope that we can have multiple dog parks <br />for large and small dogs possibly. Councilmember Oliver Davis thanked his co- sponsors as well. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston stated she thought this is a good opportunity to engage <br />people and see what their interests are on this type of park. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated this has been done in other communities and looks like <br />if it is run properly it can be very successful and we should try to do it right which necessitates <br />getting as much information as possible. <br />Councilmember Karen White stated she likes that this calls for multiple dog parks and Mr. Perri <br />has expressed his support for this initiative as well. <br />17 <br />