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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 25, 2016 <br />The third recommendation is that the existing work product developed in the advisory committee <br />on Elbel such as the ongoing engagement with local experts, City Departments, key stakeholders, <br />and the public be integral in the contractual terms of the City hired consultants. We want to make <br />sure the work done already is available to these consultants going forward. One of the strong <br />things which prompted this recommendation was the large level of public involvement. <br />The fourth recommendation is that the Park Department and Park Board, in conjunction with <br />public input, update the City of South Bend five (5) year Park Master Plan. A advisory or <br />standing committee must be formed. Throughout the entire process, it was invaluable how much <br />information was brought out from the community and other groups and it is important to use that <br />information to update the Master Plan to get everyone working from the same page. An advisory <br />or standing committee would serve as a resource for the Park Board and Park's Staff. <br />The fifth recommendation is that the Parks Department maintains and manages Elbel Golf <br />Course throughout 2016 and funds be designated as such for Fiscal Year 2017. The future use <br />question was differed at this time and will be contingent /informed by findings and outcomes of <br />Recommendations one (1) through four (4). Regardless of the outcome, public access must be <br />guaranteed and ecological integrity assured. <br />The sixth recommendation is that monthly progress reports be provided on Recommendations <br />one (1) through five (5) for both the Park Board and the PARC Committee by the Park's <br />Department. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked that the minutes of the Special Elbel Advisory Committee <br />be entered into record as well as the supporting documentation and that the documents continue <br />to be online and in the Clerk's Office for public inspection as well as for the consultants. Those <br />documents are as followed: <br />02 -29 -16 Special Advisory Committee for Elbel Minutes <br />03 -07 -16 Special Advisory Committee for Elbel Minutes <br />03 -21 -16 Special Advisory Committee for Elbel Minutes <br />04 -13 -16 Special Advisory Committee for Elbel Minutes <br />Park Board Minutes 2013 through 2015 <br />2016 Parks Department Budget — Questions and Responses <br />2016 Budget Ordinances <br />2015 Budget Book <br />2016 Golf Division Budget <br />2014 Budget Final <br />Elbel Appraisal Document <br />Special Elbel Committee Meeting Notices <br />2015 Monthly Parks Foundation Financial Reports <br />PARC Committee Minutes 2013 -2015 <br />Park Bond Documents <br />Parks and Recreation Financial Reports 2012 -2014 <br />2006 to 2015 Ten Year Elbel Golf Financial Packet <br />2016 Approved Park Projects <br />Elbel Golf Course Zoning Flood Wetland Map <br />Elbel with Labeled Holes <br />14 <br />