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The Councilmembers also each thanked Catherine for her service to the city and wished her luck <br />in retirement. <br />Catherine D. Hostetler thanked the Councilmembers and accepted the resolution on behalf of the <br />Historic Preservation Commission and all the homeowners who live in Historic Districts who <br />have worked with them during her time. She credited the homeowners for the renaissance <br />appearing now in our city and is looking forward to what is coming next for South Bend. <br />No one from the public spoke in opposition or in support of the measure. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to approve Bill No. 15 -104. Councilmember John <br />Voorde seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />ELECTION OF VICE - PRESIDENT <br />Councilmember John Voorde nominated Councilmember Oliver Davis for the office of Vice <br />President. Councilmember Randy Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of <br />nine (9) ayes. <br />SWEARING -IN OF CLERK FOWLER'S DEPUTIES <br />Kareemah Fowler, in her duties as City Clerk, swore in both Jennifer Coffman and Alkeyna <br />Aldridge for the positions of Chief Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk respectively. <br />SPREADING OF THE RECORD OF THE 2016 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE <br />SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL <br />2016 COMMON COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES <br />COMMUNITY INVESTMENT COMMITTEE <br />Oversees the various activities of the Department of Community Investment. This Committee reviews all <br />real & personal tax abatement requests. <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson Oliver Davis, Member <br />Regina Williams- Preston, Vice - Chairperson Randy Kelly, Member <br />COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE <br />Oversees the various activities of the Office of Community Affairs and is charged with facilitating <br />partnerships & ongoing communications with other public and private entities operating within the City. <br />Regina Williams- Preston, Chairperson Gavin Ferlic, Member <br />Randy Kelly, Vice - Chairperson Karen White, Member <br />COUNCIL RULES COMMITTEE <br />Oversees the regulations governing the overall operation of the Common Council, as well as all matters of <br />public trust. It duties are set forth in detail in Section 2 -10.1 of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br />Tim Scott, Member Dr. David Varner, Member <br />Jo Broden, Member Karen White <br />HEALTH AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE <br />Oversees the various activities performed by the Fire and Police Departments, EMS, Department of Code <br />Enforcement, ordinance violations, and related health and public safety matters. <br />John Voorde, Chairperson Oliver Davis, Member <br />Karen L. White, Vice - Chairperson Jo Broden, Member <br />INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE <br />Oversees the various activities of the City's Division of Information Technologies in the Department of <br />Administration & Finance so that the City of South Bend remains competitive and on the cutting edge of <br />developments in this area. Reviewing and proposing upgrades to computer systems and web sites, developing <br />availability & access to GIS data and related technologies are just some of its many activities. <br />