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says is a good and proper change in our City Code. Mr. Mathew's may disagree but it is not that <br />painful to go through that process laid out in the ordinance. <br />Marguerite Taylor, 714 Corby Blvd. South Bend, spoke in favor of the bill. All we want to do is <br />close the loophole. <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition: <br />Committee Chair Davis asked if Mr. Mathew's would like to have his comments referred to as <br />opposition. <br />Mr. Matthews responded that yes that makes sense. <br />No one else spoke in opposition to the bill. <br />Committee Chair Davis asked the petitioner, Jo M. Broden, to respond to the issues brought up <br />by Mr. Mathews. <br />Committeemember Jo M. Broden stated the intent is to try to protect Single - Family development <br />while opening a viable opportunity in the CBD is the intent. The types of living arrangements <br />Mr. Mathew's is speaking about are currently not even an allowed use. She stated she believes in <br />the process that neighbors should be engaged in these decisions that are right next door to them. <br />While there is a burden for developers the initial thought was that it's better than what is <br />currently in place. This allows the individuals most impacted by the development be a part of the <br />discussion. This bill opens up possibilities for these creative living spaces and arrangements, and <br />in the future we could come back to this and look at something more permissible. This provides <br />consistency with the neighborhood plans that people have been working on and developing for <br />years. <br />Committee Chair Davis asked if she would like this bill to stand as is without any further <br />amendments. <br />Committeemember Broden responded yes as it stands but we will certainly have further <br />discussions later on. We should certainly be willing to come back and tweak things when <br />needed. This currently opens up an avenue for developers which is currently unavailable. She <br />expressed her full support for group residences. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly stated the most salient point he has heard in regard to this is what <br />Mr. Mathews said about the fact that someone could open a bar next door to him easier than <br />having a house with three (3) residents. That is a pertinent point and when someone like Mr. <br />Mathews who has clearly invested a lot in South Bend and has continued to do so recommends <br />opening the CBD up to group living as a blanket possibility, it is worth considering making that <br />small adjustment to this language before we move forward. <br />Committeemember Broden stated she does believe there are higher standards for opening a bar in <br />South Bend. <br />