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that the multi - family dwelling is limited to three (3) units. Rezoning this site will allow for a <br />mixture of housing types in the neighborhood and enable for the reuse of a vacant structure. <br />Committeemember John Voorde asked if this house was part of a historic district. <br />Mr. Chapman responded yes the River Bend Historic District. <br />Justin Bogunit, 202 Bartlett St., served as the petitioner for this bill. His intentions are to <br />renovate the property and restore it to what it was. The plan is to keep the same footprint which <br />is two (2) units on the second -floor and one (1) unit on the first -floor. The structure is sitting <br />right on the property line and he does not own any of the property from the building to the street. <br />There are also plans to add landscaping on the property. The house was built originally in the <br />1920s as a rental property which is why there are two (2) main entrances. <br />Committeemember Jo M. Broden and Councilmember Tim Scott entered the meeting at 3:37 <br />p.m. This raised the quorum to four (4) Committeemembers present. <br />Committee Chair Davis stated that during the Area Plan Commission meeting on this bill, there <br />was a discussion regarding the various Code Violations this property has incurred. He asked the <br />petitioner to address those concerns. <br />Mr. Bogunit responded that since he has been in possession of the property there has been one <br />(1) issue where the police believed the location had been broken into. Since then there has been <br />no code violations or issues with the police. He stated he has gone to the Historic Preservation <br />Society as well to make sure he was doing everything properly concerning the external part of <br />the building. He stated all the Code Enforcement violations reported during the Area Plan <br />meeting came prior to his taking possession of the building. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic asked the petitioner to clarify how many Code Enforcement <br />violations he has received as the owner of the property. <br />Mr. Bogunit responded none and just the one (1) police call back in early 2015. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott apologized for being late, he and Committeemember Jo M. Broden <br />were stuck on the elevator. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic asked if anyone from the public spoke at the Area Plan meeting. <br />Mr. Chapman responded two (2) people spoke in opposition at the meeting. <br />Committee Chair Oliver Davis stated they were both neighbors and their issues were parking and <br />the Code violations. Those were the two (2) big complaints. <br />Mr. Chapman agreed with Committee Chair Davis that those were the two (2) issues. <br />Those from the public wishing to speak in favor of the bill: <br />2 <br />