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Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand explained that this is the process of reconfirming that <br />has been done in the past when there has been a transfer. Councilmember Dr. Varner stated that <br />this transfers the balance of the existing abatement; it doesn't extend it or change it in any way. <br />Committeemember Davis motioned to bring Bill No. 16 -59 to the full Council with a favorable <br />report, Committeemember Davis seconded and it carried by a voice vote of five (5) ayes. <br />Bill No. 16 -61- Five -year (5) Personal Property Tax Abatement for AM General <br />Sarah Heintzelman, Department of Community Investment on the 14th Floor of the County City <br />Building, AM General is moving from Mishawaka to South Bend, with a total investment of $3.2 <br />million. For the personal property aspect of it, it is going to be $1.1 million worth of investment <br />in equipment. Of that there is going to be $94,366 in taxes generated. We are asking for an <br />abatement of 43,483 over the course of a five (5) year period. This relocation is going to bring <br />one - hundred and twenty -three (123) new permanent full -time jobs, with an estimated annual <br />payroll of over $9 million. <br />Eric Swift, Budget Manager for the AM General move, was present to answer any questions the <br />Council may have. <br />Councilmember Karen White asked if the new jobs would be transfers or brand new positions, <br />and Ms. Heintzelman clarified that any time jobs come in to South Bend, they are considered <br />new. <br />Committeemember Paul Tipps asked if the statement that AM General LLC had no other <br />abatements, personal or real, includes when the company was on Chippewa Avenue. <br />Ms. Heintzelman stated that to the best of her knowledge, yes. There are no active abatements <br />for AM General at this time. <br />Committeemember Oliver Davis asked if there are currently any new employees planned, or if <br />all of the one - hundred and twenty -three (123) employees will be transferred. <br />Mr. Swift stated that they will all be transferred; they are existing employees, they are just being <br />moved to the new location. <br />Committeemember Randy Kelly moved to send Bill 16 -61 to the full Council favorably, it was <br />seconded by Committeemember Williams- Preston, and it carried by a voice vote of five (5) ayes. <br />With no other business before the Committee, Committee Chair Gavin Ferlic adjourned the <br />meeting at 3:50 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Committee Chair <br />NJ <br />