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April 14th, 1930. <br />REGULAR MEETING. <br />MINUTES.. <br />Be it Remembered that the Common Council met in the Regular Session in the Council Chambers <br />in the City Hall, Monday evening April 14th, 1930 at the hour of 730 o'clock P M. All Members <br />present. President Fegan presided. The Minutes of the previous mee -tingle were read and on Motion <br />of Councilman Hull were referred, to.the Committee on the Inspection and Supervision of Minutes. <br />Motion carried. <br />PETITION.. <br />To the Common Council, City Plan Commission and The Building, Commissioner of the City of <br />South Bend': <br />We, the undersigned, being pwners of more. than Fifty percent, -of Lots Numbered 1,2,3,4, and <br />Burroughs Subdivision in the City of South Bend, respectfully show that said Lots lie South <br />of and. front upon Navarre Street and that said frontage was: zoned as "B" resident, district and N <br />height and area district by the zoning ordinance of the City of South Bend; that the frontage - <br />immediately East of said described Lots a is zone.d;as "C" height and area district; that the <br />said property is..peculiarly- fitted for development within "C" height and area district and is no <br />�Pnger of value for the purposes limited to . "B" height and area district. <br />Wherefore the-undersigned respectfully petition and request said Common Council to adopt, an <br />Ordinance changing the present zoning. regulation of said property so that the same shall be zone( <br />in "C" height and area district. They do not request any change in the use distfict. They <br />respectfully-request that public notice: be given.and public hearings had upon this proposal, and <br />that thereafter the change herein prayed for x -be= made. Dated at South Bend, Indiana, this 5th <br />day of April, 1930. ( Signed by 6 property owners ) On Motion of Councilman Hull the Petition <br />was accepted -and referred to the City Plan Commission to report back to the Committee of the <br />Whole, and that a Public Hearing be held May -5th,. 1930 at 7 :30 o'clock -P. M. Motion carried. <br />PETITION. <br />South Bend., Ind. Marcdh 26, 1930. <br />To the Honorable City Council, 6 of the City of South Bend, Ind. <br />Gentlemen: Wex, the undersigned property owners, petition your honorable body To declare the <br />smoke from the Relia -ble airy on E. Broadway a public kax nuisance and also a damage to our <br />property on the inside and out. We wish to have it abated. Yours respectfully; ( signed by <br />40 signers ) On Motion of Councilman Hull The Petition was referred.to_ the City Attorney to <br />make investigation. Motion carried. <br />PETITION. <br />South Bend, Indiana, March 22nd,; 1930. <br />To Honorable Common Council: We, the undersigned owners of the majority of the property, hereby <br />petition your Honorable: Body to change the zoning-classification-from "F" Height and Area." to <br />gia "G►,,Heig#t and Area" on the following described real estate: The territory bounded on the <br />South by West Colfax-Avenue-1 on the East by North La.Fayette Street, on the West by North <br />Williams Street, and on the North by the first alley north of Colfax Avenue. Whitcomb & Keller, <br />by Fred W. Keller, President-, H. H. Hayden, T. P. Moredock, Young WO -hen's Christian Associatii <br />Mrs. P. D. Pointer - Pres. ON Motion of Councilman Oakley this Pet g�?Rn wa r FTXArred to the City <br />Plan Commission x to report back to the Committee of the Whoale : ... /T s etl ion riving been <br />presented on March 10th, 1930 and was referred to the City Plan Commission for their recommenda` <br />also a Public hearing was advertised to be held April 7th, 1930, . The City Plan reported to - <br />the Committee of the Whole that there be not a suffixcient percent of property owne=rs on the <br />Petition, said Petition was returned to the City Council. <br />REPORT OF CITY PLAN COMMISSION. <br />f <br />