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COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FEBRUARY 10, 1969 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the <br />Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Monday, February 10, 1969 <br />at 8:00 p.m., with all members present. The invocation was given by Reverend Kenneth Foulke, <br />All Saints Evangelical United Methodist Chiirch. The meeting was called to order by Chairman <br />William W. Grounds, who presided. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE WATER WORKS OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AND INLAND CHEMICAL CORPORATION, <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN ASSORTMENT OF CHEMICALS <br />FOR USE FROM FEBRUARY 7, 1969 TO FEBRUARY 7, 1970 IN THE AMOUNT <br />OF $26,972.50. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above Ordinance, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. Speaking for the ordinance <br />Mr. John Hunter, Water Works Superintendent, Dr. Louis How, South Bend County Health Depart- <br />ment; Mr. William Smurr, Technician for the Water Works; Dr. Charles W. Gish,Division Dental <br />Health, Indiana State Board of Health and Associate Professor, Indiana University School of <br />Dentistry; Dr. Edward J. Molenda, South Bend Dentist; Dr. Herbert Schiller, Physician. <br />Councilman Allen questioned the cost increase of the fluoride. Mr. Hunter said the increase <br />was due to supply and demand and that they have trouble getting it. Councilman Allen read <br />a letter received from the St. Joseph County Health Department from Dr. Louis How, This letter <br />was in reply to the letter sent to him by the City Clerk, Kathryn L. Blough. <br />February 5, 1969 <br />Mrs. Kathryn Blough, City Clerk <br />City Hall <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mrs. Blough: <br />This is in reply to your request for information in regard to the effects of Hydrofluoro- <br />silicic acid on children's teeth for the first year of fluoridation of the public water supply <br />of the city of South Bend. <br />As explained at the several hearings prior to the fluoridating of South Bend's water, <br />the effects cannot be measured until the child has been exposed to fluorides for a definite <br />period of his dental life. The base line is usually taken as age five years. Since a first <br />year period has not elapsed, I cannot give statistics for South Bend, but, I am including <br />figures for several cities in the northern part of the state that have been fluoridated for <br />several years. <br />The term D.M.F. is used in the table and means Decayed, Missing or Filled. The ages used <br />are 6,7,8,9, and 10. <br />The statewide average for non - fluoridated areas for D.M.F. in this age group is 1.92. <br />Using this statewide average for comparison, Ilxesent the statistics for the following cities <br />after at least five years of fluoridation. <br />Valporaiso <br />Reduction: 390/. <br />Fort Wayne <br />Reduction: 56% <br />(after 10 yrs.) <br />LaPorte <br />Reduction: 53..9% <br />(after 8 yrs. - .99) <br />Elkhart <br />Reduction: 420% <br />Indianapolis <br />Reduction: 50% <br />(after 12 yrs.) <br />Kokomo <br />Reduction: 620/. <br />(after 10 yrs. - .46) <br />Within our own jurisdiction, we do have a small series from which we have derived some <br />statistics. <br />Walkerton and New Carlisle have had a fluoridation program since 1953. Three or four <br />years ago we did a survey in those two areas, taking school children who had lived all of <br />their life within the fluoridated water supply area, and, compared the D.M.F. factor with <br />other school children in the non -city schools. The result showed a 30° /o decrease in D.M.F. <br />for' -the..6,. '7,8-x'9; -. --and 10 year old children in the two towns. <br />This series of statistics, I believe, gives a good representation of the benefits of <br />fluoridation in cities, larger and smaller than South Bend. <br />After a period of five years, a table of findings can be presented for this city.' <br />I am sending copies for each member of the council, the mayor, superintendent of the <br />water department and others that may wish" a copy. <br />Sincerely, <br />Louis E. How, M.D., Director <br />St. Joseph County Health Department <br />LEH/bt <br />Councilman Allen also read the following letter from Mr. Wilmer H. Tolle, Director, Department <br />of Public Welfare: <br />