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Name Page count Template name
Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Real Estate by the City of South Bend[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Authorizing the Purchase of Land by the City of South Bend $2,000.00[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Authorizing the Sale and Conveyance of Real Estate[Icon] 4 City Council - City Clerk
Authorizing the Sale and Conveyance of Real Estate now Opened by the City of South Bend[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Authorizing the Transfer $29,268.36 APW Indiana 1G Fund $7,639.72 APW Indiana 3G Fund[Icon] 2 City Council - City Clerk
Authorizing the Transfer of $1,523.63 General Street Improvement Fund and $6,469.48 from the Municipal Bonds of 1961 Fund[Icon] 2 City Council - City Clerk
Authorizing the Transfer of $31,394.36 from the Street and Traffic Fund and $23,042.60 City Plan Fund Appropriating "Refund, Awards and Indemnities"[Icon] 2 City Council - City Clerk
Create a Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Create an Industrial Development Fund and to Appropriate $100,000.00[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Fixing Maxium Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees 1967[Icon] 4 City Council - City Clerk
Levying Taxes and Fixing the Rate of Taxation Fiscal Year Ending December 31,1967[Icon] 5 City Council - City Clerk
Regulating the Public Disposal garbage and Rubbish within the Corporate Limits of the City of South Bend[Icon] 9 City Council - City Clerk
Repeal Ordinance Southeast Annexation[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Repealing Chapter 36 Relating to Taxicabs[Icon] 13 City Council - City Clerk
Repealing Ordinance #3964 Fixing the Schedule or Rates and Charges to be collected by the City of South Bend from the Owners of Property Served By the Sewage Disposal Works[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Repealing Section of Chapter 26 Relating to ALcoholic Beverages Being Prohibited in Certain Places and Substituting[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Rezoning - 3900 Block of S Michigan[Icon] 6 City Council - City Clerk
Rezoning - 75 st. by 726 ft. Tract located st 3409 East McKinley Ave Chapter 40[Icon] 6 City Council - City Clerk
Transferring $80,974.23 From South Bend - St Joseph County Building Authority Fund to the General Fund[Icon] 3 City Council - City Clerk
Zoning - 21 Acre Tract at Northwest corner of McKinley Highway & Hickory Rd[Icon] 7 City Council - City Clerk
Zoning - 3004 Between Rockne Dr & Brummitt Ln[Icon] 5 City Council - City Clerk
Zoning - Beginning McKinley Ave or US Highway No. 20 and Logan St or Hickory Rd in the cneter of McKinley Ave at the Southeast corner[Icon] 6 City Council - City Clerk
Zoning - Bounded by Western Ave, Scott St, NY Central Railroad & Laurel St[Icon] 7 City Council - City Clerk
Zoning - South Side Western Ave between Lombardy and Gladstone[Icon] 5 City Council - City Clerk
Zoning - Tract of Landon Edison Rd, also known as Elwood between Woodland & Meadowview[Icon] 5 City Council - City Clerk
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