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#2325-1930 - Vacation Resolution; 1st alley S of Bowman St from High St to Studebaker Park[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2361-1930 - Vacation Resolution; 1st alley W of Hill St. from N Line of 1st alley N of Cedar St. to line running from WE corner Lot 4 in Dinans 2nd Add. To SE corner Lot 12 in Dinan's 2nd Add.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2375-1930 - Vacation Resolution; Alley between 23rd St & 25th St. from Kerslake Ct to St Joseph River.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2381-1930 - Vacation Resolution; Humboldt St from W line Diamond Ave. to E line of C.I. & S. R. R.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2391-1930 - Vacation Resolution; 1st Alley S of Huron St. from Warren St. to E line of Alley W of Warren St. from W line of alley W. of Warren St to Carlisle St.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2392-1930 - Vacation Resolution; 2nd Alley S of Huron St. from Warren St. to E line of Alley W of Warren St. from the W line of Alley W of Warren St. to Carlisle St.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2396-1930 - Vacation Resolution; Portion of Carroll St. alley NYC ROW lying N of portion vacated by Resolution No. 2050[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2398-1930 - Vacation Resolution; Alley E of Woodward Ave from N Line of Hudson Ave produced to S line of Angella Ave and from N line of Angella Ave to E line of Woodward Ave.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2403-1930 - Vacation Resolution; 1st alley E of Leeper Ave. from N Shore Dr. to Leeper Ave.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2404-1930 - Vacation Resolution; 1st Alley N of LWW between Adams St. and 1st alley E of Adams St.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
#2405-1930 - Vacation Resolution; Alley W of Riverside Dr. from Hudson Ave. to N Line of Alley N of Hudson Ave.[Icon] 0 Board of Public Works
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