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3 3 ~~ <br />REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 <br />Building plans and other information to satisfy these requirements must be finalized <br />between the Developer and the City before the annexation is effective. <br />Adopted the 25`h day of September 2006. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />s/Gary Gilot, President <br />s/Carl Littrell, Member <br />s/Donald E. Inks, Member <br />ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 53-2006 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF <br />PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. INDIANA ADOPTING A <br />WRITTEN FISCAL PLAN AND ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PROVISION <br />OF SERVICES TO AN ANNEXATION AREA IN PORTAGE TOWNSHIP (EDDY <br />STREET-EDISON ROAD ANNEXATION AREAL <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Mr. Littrell and carried, the following <br />Resolution was adopted by the Board of Public Works, with changes in Section 3, Line 4 <br />of the Resolution to read as "that public water and sewer network is available". <br />RESOLUTION NO. 53-2006 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA ADOPTING A WRITTEN FISCAL PLAN AND <br />ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES TO AN <br />ANNEXATION AREA IN PORTAGE TOWNSHIP <br />(EDDY STREET-EDISON ROAD ANNEXATION AREA) <br />WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, an Ordinance and a petition by all (100%) property owners which <br />proposes the annexation of real estate located in Portage Township, St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, which is more particularly described at Page 15 of Exhibit "A" attached hereto; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed encompasses approximately <br />26.2 acres of vacant, unimproved land, which property is at least 12.5% contiguous to the <br />current City limits, i.e., approximately 63.4% contiguous, generally located East of Eddy <br />Street, west of Ivy Road and South of Edison Road. It is anticipated that the annexation <br />area will be developed for various land uses including but not limited to research <br />facilities and other commercial and residential uses typically associated with a college or <br />university campus. <br />This mix of uses will require a basic level of municipal public services of a non- <br />capital improvement nature, including street and road maintenance, street sweeping, <br />flushing, snow removal, and sewage collection, as well as services of a capital <br />improvement nature, including street and road construction, street lighting, a sanitary <br />sewer system, a water distribution system, and a storm water system and drainage plan; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works now desires to establish and adopt a <br />fiscal plan and establish a definite policy showing: (1) the cost estimates of services of a <br />non-capital nature, including street and road maintenance, street sweeping, flushing, and <br />snow removal, and sewage collection, and other non-capital services normally provided <br />within the corporate boundaries; and services of a capital improvement nature including <br />street and road construction, street lighting, a sanitary sewer extension, a water <br />distribution system, and a storm water system to be furnished to the territory to be <br />annexed (2) the method(s) of financing those services; (3) the plan for the organization <br />and extension of those services; (4) that services of anon-capital nature will be provided <br />to the annexed area within one (1) year after the effective date of the annexation, and that <br />they will be provided in a manner equivalent in standard and scope to similar non-capital <br />services provided to areas within the corporate boundaries of the City of South Bend, <br />regardless of similar topography, patterns of land use, and population density; (5) that <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />