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Establishing Historical Landmark Status for the Kizer House located at 803 West Washington
Common Council
Establishing Historical Landmark Status for the Kizer House located at 803 West Washington
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Last modified
4/26/2017 8:24:20 AM
Creation date
6/30/2016 12:33:36 PM
City Council - City Clerk
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Ord-Res Number
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ORDINANCE NO. I t7 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND <br />ESTABLISHING HISTORIC LANDMARK STATUS FOR THE STRUCTURE <br />AND REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS KIZER HOUSE AND LOCATED AT 803 <br />WEST WASHINGTON, IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The building located at 803 West Washington (the "Property "), in the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, is known as the Kizer House, in part by its association with William L. <br />Kizer, a foremost South Bend business leader and in part due to the structure's unique <br />design and construction. The owner of the Property has petitioned the Historic <br />Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County (the "Commission ") to <br />have the Property designated as a Historic Landmark pursuant to South Bend City <br />OrdinanceNo. 5565 -73, as amended. <br />The Property is located within the West Washington Historic District of South <br />Bend. The home was built in 1890 and is recognized in the Indiana Historic Sites and <br />Structures Inventory of South Bend with a rating of "Outstanding" meaning that the <br />property may be eligible forNational Register listing. <br />The staff of the Commission has prepared a report and recommendation for the <br />Commission. The Commission has reviewed the request and the Consent ofthe owner and <br />has heard and discussed the recommendation of the staff for the designation of the <br />Property as a Historic Landmark. <br />Based on the HPC's Local Landmarks Criteria as adopted by the Common Council, <br />the site at 803 West Washington has been recommended to the Common Council for <br />designation as aLocal Historic Landmark by the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />The building meets the criteria in at least three areas. <br />1. Its embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials or <br />craftsmanship which represent an architectural characteristic orinnovation. <br />The building fulfills criteria #1 as an excellent example of Romanesque Revival <br />architecture, one of only a few in St. Joseph County. It was built in 1890 of coursed granite <br />with two distinctive towers on the front facade. The house is rated Outstanding in the 2007 <br />Survey, where it is described as a "rare, but dramatic, example of the Queen Anne style in <br />heavy stone." Although the exact architect and builder are unknown, the 1923 re- <br />assessment lists this house as type "1 ", of the "highest grade of construction known in the <br />City of South Bend, built strictly from architectural drawings, and by highest type <br />contractor. The material used of highest grade, weather resistant and long lived." <br />
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