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Resolution In Support of Reasonable Transition to Clean Energy <br />Page 2 <br />coal -fired power plant,]" the second most toxic power plant in Indiana 12,13 and the nation's sixth largest carbon <br />polluter in 2014,14 according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and <br />Whereas, Dr. Norma Kreilein, a Notre Dame alumna and pediatrician in Washington, Indiana, says pollution from <br />the AEP- Rockport coal plant is harming the health of children and their families in southern Indiana and the plant <br />should be shut down; 15 and <br />Whereas, the AEP - Rockport power plant sends hundreds of millions of dollars from South Bend and other I &M <br />communities each year to pay for out -of -state coal from Wyoming and Kentucky; 16 and <br />Whereas, I &M must decide whether it will spend more than $3 billion of customers' money during the next 12 <br />years to add more pollution controls to the AEP - Rockport plant or invest in clean energy jobs and technology in <br />communities where I &M customers live, such as South Bend, Elkhart, Fort Wayne and Muncie; 17 and <br />Whereas, I &M's lease- operate agreement expires in 2022 on one -half of the AEP- Rockport plant owned by a <br />group of out -of -state corporations -- General Electric, Verizon, Philip Morris, Citigroup and J.P. Morgan -- who <br />use the plant's assets to reduce their income tax burden; 18 and <br />Whereas, according to I &M's own analysis, phasing out one half of the AEP - Rockport plant in 2022 and replacing <br />it with cleaner forms of energy would be less expensive than I &M's preferred plan to keep burning coal; 19 and <br />Whereas, retiring the AEP- Rockport plant would achieve half of Indiana's carbon reduction goal under the federal <br />Clean Power Plan, 20 reduce financial risks for customers, and potentially generate more local jobs and economic <br />opportunities; and <br />Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />Section I. The Common Council calls on Indiana Michigan Power to transition as expeditiously and cost - <br />effectively as possible away from coal -based power to cleaner forms of energy, such as wind, solar and <br />energy efficiency and to do so in a reasonable manner that minimizes rate impacts. I &M's transition plan should <br />include: <br />1. Identifying locations in South Bend and nearby communities where jobs can be created <br />through investments in energy efficiency, wind or solar power; and <br />2. Developing a more aggressive plan to weatherize and improve energy efficiency in homes <br />with low- income residents so families can afford their utility bills; and <br />ff <br />https : / /www.indianamichigani) /qlobal /utilities /lib /docs/ info / projects /integratedResourcePlan/ 2015 %201 &M %201RP %20Public% <br />20Summary.pdf <br />12 https: / /iaspub.ei) /triexi)lorer /tri release.facility <br />13 http: / / 2016 /02/02/ new -epa- data -im- facility- 2nd - most - toxic - power - plant -in- indiana/ <br />11 https : / /qhqdata.epa.qov /qhqp / <br />15 http: / / /columns/ Doctor -s- prescription- Less -I -M- pollution- 11896586 <br />16 Source: (subscription service) <br />17 al- fired- plants- adapt- new - costly -epa- standards #stream /0 <br />18 file/ d/ OB- pOypoYthHLaU5Zb3FIZEJPcVRHZzBiUmlWdWN4OXJpSEFB /view ?usp = sharing <br />19 /file /d /OB37irMi -Cq JWmIBeEdgTldTRFk /view ?usp = sharing <br />20 At 19.7 million short tons of CO2 emitted in 2012 and 17.4 million short tons in 2014 ( — metric tons converted to <br />short tons), the AEP - Rockport plant represents more than half of Indiana's Clean Power Plan goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 31 <br />million short tons by 2030 ( https: / /www3. epa. gov /airquality /cpptoolbox/indiana.pdf) <br />