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R)/GULAR MEETING MAY 3, 2006 <br />Michael and Steve Cox were instrumental in quickly obtaining the appropriate medical care for the <br />palienr. and they made a significant conlribtdion to saving the-life of Rreon Swan. <br />Bert further resolved that Todd Skwarcan, John Michael and Steve Cox be commended for <br />their quick thinking and actions by the City of South Bend. <br />Dated This 3rd day of May 2006. <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY <br />s/.Iesusa Rodriguez, President <br />s/Donald Alford, Member <br />s/Jnauita Dempsey, Member <br />s/Pah-ick Cottrell, Member <br />s/Bnice J. Bondurant, Member <br />~'~~1°I~F:S"I~: <br />s-'Angela h. Jacob, Clerlc <br />l~ ILI\ G OF MONTHLY STATISTICAL REPORT -MARCH 2006 <br />Chief I,uthcr "haylor submitted to the Board the monthly report for the month of March 2006 <br />~ompiied by the Prcventionihlspection Bureau of the Fire Department. The Statistical Analysis was <br />accepted and i71ed. <br />A summary is as follows: <br />MARCH MARCH <br />2006 2005 <br /> STRUCTURE FIRES <br /> Property Damage--Buildings & Contents <br /> (Estimates) <br />5233,100.00 $673,100.00 <br /> LNSPEC"PIONS <br /> (Fire Prevention/Inspection Bureau) <br />d9~ Inspections 512 inspections <br />G3Re-Inspections 709 Re-Ins ections <br /> 1N VES"LIUA"FIONS <br /> (Police/File Arson Bureau) <br />1G I6 <br />Investigations Investigations <br /> 7 <br />Arson Arson <br />'iJLICi~ IJE,;YARI Ml-:N"I <br />-~t'C:F.Y"I~_.___ _~1ND APPROVE RESIGNA"I'IO\ - ANDREW FRY <br />President Rodriguez advised tJiat the Board is in receipt of a letter of resignation from Patrolman <br />nndre~~~ I~~~.~. in ~f~hich he tenders his resignation from the South Bend, effective April 1S, 2006. <br />Chief Thomas Fautz stated that Patrolman Fry was appointed to Che South Bend Police Department <br />on August 3. 2005. The Board wished him much success in his future endeavors. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. Alford, seconded by Mr. Cottrell and carried, the resignation was accepted and <br />nppro~~cd. <br />_'LI\G OF LION"hHLY STATISTICAL ANALYSIS RT/PORT-MARCH 2006 <br />President Rodriguez indicated that unless there were questions or objections by members of the <br />Board, the statistical report for the month of March 2006 as submitted by the Police Department <br />~-~~ould be accepted for filing. 1"here being no objections, the following report was accepted for tiling: <br />