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RESOLUTION NO. 4 5 5 Y - I to <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />IN SUPPORT OF REDISTRICTING REFORM FOR INDIANA <br />WHEREAS, the current redistricting process creates a potential conflict of interest —as state <br />legislators are effectively choosing their own constituents; and <br />WHEREAS, the redistricting process should be conducted in an open manner with real <br />opportunities for public dialogue and feedback, not behind closed doors; and <br />WHEREAS, public input and involvement in the redistricting process will empower our <br />communities by allowing them to elect representatives who represent their interests on issues that are <br />important to their lives; and <br />WHEREAS, the boundaries of state districts are currently drawn by legislative incumbents, often <br />sacrificing the integrity of neighborhoods and cities; and <br />WHEREAS, important principles such as the protections of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 <br />and respect for neighborhoods and cities should be clearly listed for a Commission to abide by; <br />WHEREAS, voters are more likely to participate when they feel that their vote will count and that <br />they have a reasonable chance of electing candidates who represent their interests; and <br />WHEREAS, elected officials are more responsive to constituents when voters have a choice of <br />candidates, thus increasing accountability and serving the best interests of the voters of Indiana; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />as follows: <br />Section 1. The Common Council urges the Special Interim Committee on Redistricting to produce a final <br />report that supports comprehensive redistricting reform which incorporates the following: <br />1. The state of Indiana should establish a citizens -led commission composed of Indiana voters who <br />are representative of the state's diversity, partisan balance, and geography, for all future redistricting. This <br />Commission will oversee the process to draw the lines of the state Senate, state House of Representatives <br />and Congressional districts. <br />2. District boundaries should be drawn according to clearly described criteria, including respect <br />for: <br />a. The U.S. Constitution's requirement of one person, one vote; <br />b. The Voting Rights Act (VRA); <br />