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6G(4) SubGrant Agreement Technology Park
Redevelopment Commission
Agendas & Packets
08/26/09 Meeting
6G(4) SubGrant Agreement Technology Park
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Last modified
8/21/2009 12:17:22 PM
Creation date
8/21/2009 12:17:10 PM
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EXHIBIT D <br />Campus Site <br />Parcel 1 <br />A parcel of land in the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 37 North, Range 3 East of the <br />Second Principal Meridian, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 6; thence <br />South 00°43'29" East (this and all subsequent bearings based on the Indiana State Plan <br />Coordinate System; East Zone), 460.85 feet along the East line of said Northwest Quarter to <br />the northwesterly right-of--way purposes along State Road 23 (South Bend Avenue) recorded <br />October 5, 1991 on Document Number 9129497 in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana; thence South 53°08'24" West, 123.83 feet along said northwesterly line to <br />the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence continuing along said line South <br />53°08'24" West 58.42 feet; thence South 50°14'48" West, 250.32 feet along said line to the <br />northwesterly boundary of S.R. 23; thence South 52°50'49" West 338.01 feet along said <br />boundary; thence north 36°50'07" West, 588.23 feet to the south line of a parcel of land <br />designated on parcel number 3 for relocated Edison Road and Twyckenham Drive extension <br />of aRight-of--Way plat recorded August 16, 2005 as Document Number 0537239 in said <br />Recorder's Office; thence along the southerly and westerly lines of said parcel number 3 the <br />following 6 courses and distances: <br />1) northeasterly 241.94 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 1190.00 feet and <br />subtended by a long chord bearing North 56°00' 19" East, a distance of 241.52 feet; <br />2) northeasterly 591.36 feet along a curve to the right having a radius of 1070.00 feet <br />and subtended by a long chord bearing North 66°00'50" East, a distance of 583.86 feet; <br />3) South 58°26'38" East, 68.74 feet; <br />4) South 00°47'43" West, 10.96 feet; <br />5) southerly 265.73 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 960.00 feet and <br />subtended by a long chord bearing South 07°08'04" East, a distance of 264.89 feet; <br />6) South 15°03'52" East, 139.03 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 9.446 <br />acres more or less. <br />SBDS02 PFACCENDA 386222v2 <br />23 <br />F:A*.*\Projects-Miscellaneous\Tech Park\Subgrant Agreement-Notre Dame (2) 8.17.09 <br />
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