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• <br />THE COMMISSION HEREBY FINDS: <br />(a) The proposed amendment to Resolution No. 2016 to include Expansion AreaNo. 2 is <br />reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to Resolution No. 2016 and <br />the purposes of the Act. <br />(b) The proposed amendment to the Development Plan is reasonable and appropriate <br />when considered in relationship to the original Development Plan and the purposes of <br />the Act. <br />(c) Resolution No. 2016 as amended by this Resolution No. 2312 conforms to the <br />comprehensive plan for the City. <br />(d) The Development Plan as amended by this Resolution No. 2312 conforms to the <br />comprehensive plan for the City. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND <br />REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: <br />(1) The Northeast Neighborhood Development Area is hereby expanded and modified to <br />• include Expansion Area No. 2 as described in the fifth WHEREAS clause above. <br />(2) The Area as expanded and modified herein to include Expansion Area No. 2 shall be <br />hereinafter known as the "Northeast Neighborhood Development Area" and shall be <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of the East Race and LaSalle Avenue; <br />thence East along said centerline of LaSalle Avenue to a point 110 feet West of the <br />West right-of--way line of Niles Avenue; thence North 159.25 feet; thence East 110 <br />feet to the West right-of--way line of said Niles Avenue; thence Easterly to the <br />Northwest corner of Lot 71 in the Original Town of Lowell; thence East along the <br />North line of said Lot 71 to the centerline of the first North-South alley East of Niles <br />Avenue; thence North along said centerline of said Alley to the centerline of Madison <br />Street; thence East along said centerline to the centerline of Hill Street; thence South <br />along said centerline to the centerline of LaSalle Avenue; thence East along said <br />centerline to the West right-of--way line of Frances Street; thence South along said <br />West right-of--way line to the North right-of--way line of the First East-West alley <br />South of LaSalle Street; thence West along said North right-of--way line to the West <br />right-of--way line of the First North-South alley West of Frances and its projection <br />North; thence South along said West right-of--way line and its projection to the <br />centerline of Colfax Street; thence East along said centerline to the centerline of Eddy <br />• <br />H:\WPData\NE Neighborhood Dev Area\Resolutions\12es2312_Amending Plan-Expansion of Area_070216.doc <br />