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Schedule A <br />EXHIBi a A <br />PARCEL f: B2ir,g :het certain Tract Numder 1 as shown upon the recorded Plat of the Studebzker Corporation <br />Repiat, dated Januar/ 13, 1925 and racordad in the Recorder's O~:ice of St. Joseph Gourty, Indiana, Plat bock 11, <br />oases 1 Ss to 187 inclusive. <br />PARCEL I1: Lot :Numbered Nineteen (19) and a parcel of iand Fourteen (i ^-.) fe° in widish, North and South, taker <br />or:" or" and `rpm the aril?re length of he Nosh side or' Lot Numbered Twenty (20), and a Iot or parcel of iand~Forty (^^-0) <br />feet in width; East and ~r`lest, taken ar of and from the enure width cf the East er,d of Lot Numbered Twenhj-eig~,t <br />(28), all as sho~Jvn cn the racordad Plat of iViarir & Tuft's Addition to the Town., now Cir/ of Sou#f- band. <br />PARCEL IIl: Lot Numbered Seventeen (17} as shown on the recorded Plat cf Martin & Tuft's Addition to the Town, <br />now Ci=.y, of South Bend, excepting herefron a strip of lard T~~uo (2} feet ir: avidth, Horn and South, taken or of 2nd <br />`rpm the entire :North SIdE th2feei, and eXCe,^.#int~ iherefrom ~ SiriC Oi land NinE (9) neat In'widih, ~i0rtil and SGUif1, <br />taken o=~ of and from the entire South sloe :hereof. <br />PARCEL. IV: Lot ivurnbered T,v2nty (20) as shown on the recorded Plat or Nlartir; & TutYs Addition to the Tcwn, <br />now City of South Bend, excepting a let or parse! cf •.and Faureen (id) feet in avidth North and South taken o.. and <br />from the entire lengih of the Nosh side thereof. <br />PARCEL V: ? ct ~'~iumbered Sixteen (16 and a lot or parse? Cf iand Two (2) fee's in grids:, North and South taken o <br />of and from the entire ,ength of h~ Nora? side of Lot Numbered Seventeen (17}, all as shown on the recorded Plai <br />of Nlzrin and Tuft's Addi#ion tc the Town, now City o+ South Bend; excepting therefrom a lot er parcel of land Thiry- <br />five (35) feet in avidth, Bast and '~A1est, taken off or' and from the entire ~,vidtih of 'the Basi ands thereof. <br />PARGIrL V1: A par; of Lots Tavenh/-eight (28) and T~roent~,r-~:ine (29) in PAariin & Tuft's Addition to the Ciiy or South <br />82nd, indiana, pounded by a line ;tinning as follows, viz: <br />Beginning at the .Northwest sort er cf Let Tavenry-eight (28} in ~~,1a~in & TutYs Addition, thence Basi along the Souttt <br />line of South Streei, a dstance of One Hundred Twenr/-rive and E.ighiy-nine HundredL;;s (125.&9) fe°t io a point <br />Forty {~0) feet West of the Northeast corner or"said Lot Numbered Twenty-night (28); .hence Scuih carallei wi#h an:d <br />Forty (~0) feel iNest of the cast line cf said Loi T~,veray-eight (28! a distance cc Sixty-six and iVin2 Hundredths <br />(86.OG} `eat to the Souk line of said Lot Twenty-eight (28); hence cast along the South line of said Lot Twert;~-eight <br />(28) a distance ofi Forty (='G) feet tc the Fast line of said Lot Twenty-eight (2$); thence South atorg the East line of <br />of T vreniwnine (2°) a distance ar S{xiy-eix and Eleven Hundredths (08.1 1 }feet to the ~oriherfy righi ofi }way !ine of <br />iNew York Central Railroad; thence UVesterly along the Nor=.heriy lire of said right or" w2y a distance of One Hundred <br />Sixty-seven {187.QC) feet to the Bast line of ! afayei:te Boulevard; Chance Nor#h along the East'.~ine of Lafayette <br />8ouievard a distance of One Hundred T Twelve and Eighb/ Hundred#hs {112.80} fleet to the place of beginnir;g. <br /> <br />