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~~37«-~ <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2370 <br />• A RESOLUTION OF SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />AMENDING THE NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO ADD PROPERTIES TO THE ACQUISITION LIST <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission ("Commission"), governing body <br />of the City of South Bend Department of Redevelopment ("Department"), on November 17, 2003, <br />adopted Resolution No. 2016 declaring the Northeast Neighborhood Development Area to be a <br />blighted area within the meaning of Indiana Code § 36-7-14 ("Act"); and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2016 and the Northeast Neighborhood Development Area <br />Development Plan ("Plan") adopted by Resolution No. 2016 on November 17, 2003, were confirmed <br />by Resolution No. 2021, adopted on December 19, 2003; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2016 established the boundaries of the Northeast Neighborhood <br />Development Area ("Area") as set forth at Exhibit A; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was amended by Resolution 2054, adopted May 21, 2004; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was further amended by Resolution 2128; adopted February <br />18, 2005; and <br />• WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was further amended by Resolution 2250, adopted July 21, <br />2006, and said resolution expanded the Northeast Neighborhood Development Area by adding <br />Expansion Area No. 1; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was further amended by Resolution 231 1, adopted February <br />16, 2007, and said resolution removing a portion of property from the Northeast Neighborhood <br />Development Area, which removed areas is referred to herein as Contracted Area No. 1; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was further amended by Resolution 2312, adopted February <br />16, 2007, and said resolution expanded the Northeast Neighborhood Development Area by adding <br />Expansion Area No. 2; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was further amended to establish a housing program (the <br />"Housing Program") and declare a housing allocation area in the Area by Resolution 2344, adopted <br />June 19, 2007, which was confirmed by Resolution 2350 adopted on June 19, 2007; and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution 2016 was filrther amended by Resolution 2341, adopted June 22, <br />2007; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 39 of the Act permits the creation of an allocation area within a <br />redevelopment area to provide for the allocation and distribution, as provided by the Act, of the <br />• -1- <br />