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<br />STAFF REPORT August 11, 1997 <br />Amouri, Inc. 1785-97 <br />Location: 3320 Portage Avenue <br />City of South Bend <br />REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting a zone change <br /> from "C" Commercial, "A" Height and Area to <br /> "C" Commercial, "E" Height and Area to allow <br /> existing and proposed retail stores and <br /> offices, and an outdoor advertising sign. <br />EXISTING LAND USE: The property contains a building with retail <br /> stores and offices and an outdoor advertising <br /> sign. <br />SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Located to the north is the Toll Road; to the <br /> east is vacant land zoned "A" Residential, "A" <br /> Height and Area; to the south are apartments <br /> zoned "B" Residential, "A" Height and Area; <br /> and to the west are a gas station and car wash <br /> zoned "C" Commercial, "C Height and Area, <br /> mini-warehouses zoned "D" Light Industrial, <br /> "F" Height and Area and apartments zoned "B" <br /> Residential, "A" Height and Area. <br />ACCESS: Access to the site is from Portage Avenue. <br />WATER SOURCE/SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Water and sewer are available to the site. <br />DRAINAGE: The drainage has been addressed by the <br /> petitioner. <br />SITE DATA: The total site to be rezoned is 3.5 acres. Of <br /> that, the buildings will occupy 24,800 square <br /> feet, or 16 percent of the site; the parking <br /> and drives will occupy 2.1 acres, or 61 <br /> percent of the site; and 34,964 square feet or <br /> 23 percent of the site will remain as open <br /> space. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL.DATA: A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no <br />public wells, wetlands, flood or environmental <br />hazard areas are present. <br />SITE PLAN: The site plan is final. <br />AGENCY COMMENTS: In 1979, this site was rezoned from "A" <br />Residential, "A" Height and Area to "C" <br />Commercial, "A" Height and Area to allow <br />retail stores and other commercial uses. This <br />zoning expired due to a failure to submit a <br />final site plan. (APC 666-79) <br />In 1984, this site was rezoned from "A" <br />Residential, "A" Height and Area to "C" <br />