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Members of this Committee shall serve without pay for two year terms. Appointed members <br />shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. Vacancies occurring through death, resignation or <br />other causes shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original <br />appointments. <br />Rules <br />The Committee shall adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary to conduct its business, <br />including the dates and times of meetings and hearings. <br />Powers and Duties <br />The Committee shall function in an advisory capacity to the Redevelopment Commission. It <br />shall review the plans and specifications for all projects located within the Area that involve new <br />constriction, exterior renovation or site work. This Review will include design, site planning, <br />open space and other applicable considerations pertaining to compliance with the standards set <br />forth in the Airport Economic Development Area Design Guidelines. In exercising these duties <br />the Committee shall follow the procedures and act within the limitations established in this <br />section. <br />Design Guidelines <br />i The Redevelopment Commission shall, by Resolution, adopt Design Guidelines for use by <br />developers on all projects within the Area. The Committee will base their approval of plans on <br />how well the proposals have followed these guidelines. The Design Guidelines maybe reviewed <br />and revised as necessary by Redevelopment Commission action. <br />Permits <br />No permit shall be issued for construction, reconstruction, alteration, or rehabilitation of any <br />building in the Area until the plans and specifications for the building have been approved by the <br />Committee. <br />Review <br />All proposals filed with the Committee for review and approval shall be accompanied by <br />architectural plans and/or engineering drawings and specifications for the work involved. Such <br />plans shall be review for compliance with the standards and objectives of the Plan and Design <br />Guidelines. Upon receipt of the plans the staff of the Department of Community & Economic <br />Development will review them, prepare a staff report, and schedule a meeting of the Committee <br />with the developer, generally within two weeks from receipt of the plans. <br />24 <br />