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EXHIBIT C <br />Description of the <br />West Washington-Chapin Development Area, <br />as amended <br />A PARCEL of land being a part of the City of South Bend, Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana and <br />being more particularly described as follows, viz: <br />A Parcel of land being a part of Section 10, and a part of Section 11, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, City of <br />South Bend, Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at the point of intersection of Western Avenue and William Street; thence North along the <br />centerline of William Street to the Easterly projection of the North right-of--way line of Wayne Street; being the <br />point of beginning; thence westerly along said easterly projection and along the north right-of--way line of <br />Wayne Street projected to the intersection of the west right-of--way line of Taylor Street; thence North along the <br />West right-of-way line of Taylor Street to the intersection of the South right-of-way line of Wayne Street; <br />thence West along the South right-of--way line of Wayne Street to the intersection of the Eastright-of--way line <br />of Scott Street; thence South along the East right-of--way line of Scott Street to the intersection of the easterly <br />projected South right-of--way line of Napier Street; thence West along the South right-of--way line of Napier <br />Street to the intersection of the centerline of the first 14.0 foot North-South alley; thence South along the <br />centerline of said 14.0 foot alley to the projected Southerly right-of--way line of the first 14.0 foot East-West <br />alley; thence West along the projected and South right-of--way line of said alley to the intersection of the East <br />property line of St. Joseph County Tax parcel 18-3051-2012, Block 71(now noted as Block W88-Parcel 5); <br />thence South along said East property line of said Parcel s and projected to the intersection of the centerline of <br />Western A venue (State Road 2); thence West along the centerline of Western Avenue to the intersection of the <br />North right-of--way line of the Conrail Railroad property (formerly known as the Penn Central Railroad); thence <br />Northwesterly along the North right-of--way line of said Conrail Railroad property to the intersection of the <br />West right-of--way line of the first 14.0 foot North-South alley West of Chestnut Street; thence North along the <br />West right-of--way line of said alley to the intersection of the South right-of--way line of said alley to the <br />intersection of the South right-of--way line of the first 14.0 foot West-East alley north of Napier Street; thence <br />West along the South right-of--way line of said alley projected to the intersection of the West right-of--way line <br />of Cherry Street; thence North along the West right-of--way line of Cherry Street to the intersection of the South <br />right-of--way line of Jefferson Boulevard; thence West along the South right-of way line of Jefferson Boulevard <br />to the intersection of the West right-of--way line of Cherry Street; thence North along the Westright-of--way line <br />of Cherry Street to the North right-of--way line of the first 16.0 foot West-East alley South of Washington <br />Street; thence West along the North right-of--way line of said alley projected to the intersection of the West <br />right-of--way line of the first 14.0 foot North-South alley West of Cherry Street; thence North along the West <br />right-of--way line of said alley to the intersection of the South right-of--way line of Washington Street; thence <br />West along the South right-of--way line of Washington Street projected to the intersection of the Southwest <br />right-of-way line of Washington Street; thence Northwesterly along the Southwest right-of-way line of <br />Washington Street to the intersection of the South right-of--way line of Washington Street; thence West along <br />• <br />