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WEST WASHINGTON-CHAPIN DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />• RESOLUTION NO. 1243 <br />AMENDMENT E <br />In order to achieve a high level of design and insure a feeling of continuity throughout the development <br />area, a West Washington-Chapin Design Review Committee (the Committee) is hereby established. The <br />following paragraphs explain the makeup and duties of that committee. <br />A. Establishment of Committee <br />A West Washington-Chapin Design Review Committee of eight (8) members shall be <br />established. Members shall be the Director oJRedevelopment, the City Building Commissioner, <br />and six (6) members recommended by the West Washington-Chapin Revitalization Project, Inc. <br />and appointed by the Redevelopment Commission. <br />The Chairman of the Design Review Committee will serve a one year term. The first person to <br />chair the Committee will be one of the six (6) neighborhood representatives on the Design <br />Review Committee. <br />B. Terms <br />Members of such Committee shall serve without pay for two year terms. Appointed members <br />shall serve at the pleasure of the Redevelopment Commission. Vacancies occurring through <br />• death, resignation or other causes, shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as <br />original appointments. <br />C. Rules <br />The Committee shall adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary to conduct its business, <br />including the dates and times of meetings and hearings. <br />D. Powers and Duties <br />The Committee shall function in an advisory capacity to the Redevelopment Commission. It shall <br />review the plans and specifications for all projects within the Development Area that involve <br />new construction, exterior renovation or site work. This review will include design, site planning, <br />open space and other applicable considerations, and for compliance with the standards set forth <br />in the West Washington-Chapin Design Guidelines. In exercising these duties the Committee <br />shall follow the procedures and act within the limitations established in subsequent sections. <br />• <br />8a 5/6/94 <br />