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Review Committee will base their recommendation to the Redevelopment Commission on <br />how well the proposals have followed these guidelines. <br />The Design Guidelines may be reviewed and revised as necessary by Redevelopment <br />Commission action. <br />F. Building Permits <br />No permit shall be issued by the South Bend Building Department for the construction of <br />any building in the West Washington-Chapin Development Area area or the <br />reconstruction, alteration, or rehabilitation of any building in the Area, other than a single <br />family residential structure, unless the application for such permit shall bear an <br />endorsement by the Committee that such proposed construction is appropriate and <br />conforms to the standards set forth in the West Washington-Chapin Design Guidelines. <br />G. Review <br />All proposals filed with the Design Review Committee for review and approval shall be <br />accompanied by architectural plans and/or engineering drawings and specifications for the <br />work involved. Such plans shall be reviewed for compliance with the standards and <br />objectives of the Development Plan and Design Guidelines. Upon receipt of the plans the <br />staff of the Department of Economic Development will review them, prepare a staff report, <br />and schedule a meeting of the Design Review Committee with the developer. At this <br />meeting the Design Review Committee will review plans and the staff report with the <br />developer and either approve the plans as submitted, ask for additional information, <br />approve the plans as modified, or reject the plans. The developer will be notified in writing <br />of modification in plans or specifications that are necessary to receive approval. Approval <br />by the Design Review Committee does not constitute approval of any federal, state or local <br />building, zoning or other requirements but is solely pertaining to the Design Guidelines <br />over which the committee has advisory jurisdiction for the Commission. The Committee <br />shall have the right to waive the review process for any project. <br />H. Amendments to Disapproved Developer's Plan <br />Within thirty days after disapproval of a Development plan, the developer may file with the <br />Committee an amendment to such changes made necessary to meet the modifications <br />requested by the Committee. Review procedures for an amended plan shall be the same as <br />for an initial submission. <br />Prevention of Speculation <br />Contracts for the purchase of property owned by the Redevelopment Commission will <br />provide that the redeveloper agree that his purchase of the property is for the purpose of <br />redevelopment and not for land speculation. Prior to the completion of his redevelopment <br />project, the redeveloper may not sell, lease, or otherwise transfer such land (or <br />improvements) without the prior written consent of the City of South Bend, Department of <br />Redevelopment. <br />J. Adequacy of Zoningand Other Codes and Regulations to Project Area <br />10/23/87 <br />