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(iii) The Commission shall have received a certificate prepared <br />by an independent certified public accountant or an independent financial <br />consultant ("Certifier") certifying that the Tax Increment estimated to be received <br />in each succeeding year, adjusted as provided below, is estimated to be equal to at <br />least 165% of the principal and interest requirements of all obligations of the <br />Commission payable from Tax Increment for each respective year during the term <br />of the bonds with respect to the Bonds and the Parity Bonds. In estimating the Tax <br />Increment to be received in any future year, the Certifier shall base his calculation <br />on assessed valuation actually assessed or to be assessed as of the assessment date <br />immediately preceding the issuance of the Parity Bonds; provided, however, the <br />Certifier shall adjust such assessed values for the current and future reductions of <br />real property tax abatements granted to property owners in the Allocation Area. <br />No increase in the Tax Increment to be received in any future year shall be <br />assumed which results from projected inflation in property values. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Parity Bonds are to be issued for the purpose of <br />refunding Bonds, then the requirements of this subsection (iii) need not be <br />satisfied so long as (1) the refunding bonds do not have a maturity longer than the <br />Bonds being refunded, and (2) the debt service of the refunding bonds is less than <br />or equal to the debt service on the Bonds being refunded in each year. <br />The Commission shall approve and confirm the findings and estimates set forth in the <br />above-described certificate in any supplemental resolution authorizing the issuance of the <br />Parity Bonds. <br />(b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, so long as any of the <br />Bonds are outstanding, no additional bonds or other obligations pledging any portion of <br />the Tax Increment shall be authorized, executed or issued by the City acting for and on <br />behalf of the Redevelopment District except such as shall be made subordinate and junior <br />in all respects to the Bonds, unless all of the Bonds are redeemed and retired <br />coincidentally with the delivery of such additional bonds or other obligations, or, as <br />provided in Section 16, funds sufficient to effect such redemption are available and set <br />aside for that purpose at the time of issuance of such additional bonds. <br />SECTION 6. Disposition of Bond Proceeds. Proceeds received from the sale <br />of the Bonds shall be deposited as follows: <br />(a) All accrued interest received at the time of the delivery of the <br />bonds plus such additional amount, if any, as the Commission shall determine with the <br />advice of its financial advisor to be used for capitalized interest shall be placed in the <br />Bond Principal and Interest Account; and <br />(b) The remaining proceeds from the sale of the Bonds shall be <br />deposited in a special fund to be designated as the "South Bend Redevelopment District <br />Douglas Road Economic Development Allocation Area Capital Fund" (the "Capital <br />Fund"). <br />BDDBOI 4912282v3 - 2~ - <br />