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• <br />F. Douglas Road Economic Development Area. The entire Area has been <br />designed as an allocation area under Indiana Code §36-7-14-39 for purposes of collecting TIF <br />Revenues. The Commission will pledge to the repayment of the Bonds and the other uses <br />provided in Section II(G) hereof the TIF Revenues of the Area, as currently constituted and as <br />expanded in the future, at the request of the Developer, to include the parcels depicted at Exhibit <br />A and any property annexed into the City and made a part of the Area that is west of the current <br />Area, east of State Road 23, south of the northern boundary line of the current Area if it were <br />extended to State Road 23, and north of the southern boundary of the current Area if it were <br />extended to State Road 23, as also depicted on Exhibit A (collectively, the "Maximum <br />Allocation Area"). To the extent the Area is amended to include property not within the <br />aforementioned described Maximum Allocation Area, the Commission may, but is not obligated <br />to, pledge any tax increment revenues from those parcels to the payment of the Bonds or the City <br />Obligation. The Commission may only pledge TIF Revenues from parcels in the Area to the <br />extent they are annexed into the City and added to the Area. While it is the intent of the <br />Commission to expand the Area to include the Maximum Allocation Area to the extent they are <br />voluntarily annexed and scheduled for development, the addition of the property to the Area is <br />subject to the Commission's completion of the procedures required under Indiana Code § 36-7- <br />14 and the City's completion of its annexation procedures and of its expansion procedures for <br />economic development area, which are subject to the approval of the South Bend Common <br />Council. The Developer and DRP hereby consents and agrees to the City's annexation of any <br />property they own or may own in the Maximum Allocation and to the Commission's expansion <br />of the Area to include said property. The Developer and DRP further commit to work with the <br />City and the Commission to add said property to the Area in a manner that will maximize the <br />TIF Revenues of the Area. The Commission will not approve an application for tax abatement in <br />the Area as it currently exists or as it is proposed to be expanded as depicted at Exhibit A, <br />without the prior consent of the Developer. <br />G. Excess TIF Revenues. Available TIF Revenues in excess of those necessary to <br />meet the Commission's obligations with respect to the Bonds as set forth in the Bond Resolution <br />shall be deposited into the debt service reserve fund of the Bonds to reduce the Debt Service <br />Obligation. In reducing the Debt Service Obligation, the face value of the security acting as the <br />debt service reserve shall be reduced by the amount of TIF Revenues deposited or any funds <br />placed on deposit in the debt service reserve by the Developer (or the security provider in the <br />Developer's stead) shall be refunded to the Developer without interest. Any available TIF <br />Revenues in excess of those necessary to fulfill all of the foregoing shall be used first to pay debt <br />service payments on the City Obligation due and owing and then to reimburse the Developer or <br />• <br />8 <br />