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Q. MISCELLANEOUS: <br />1. Any notice required or permitted to be delivered shall be deemed received when personally delivered or when <br />confirmed as received by facsinule, express courier or United States mail (postage prepaid, certified and return <br />receipt requested) addressed to Seller or Buyer or their designee at the address set forth below the signature of each <br />party. <br />2. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana. <br />3. Time is of the essence. Time periods specified nl this Agreement acid any addenda are calendar days and shall expire <br />at midnight of the date stated unless the parties agree otherwise in writing. <br />-t. This Agreement is binding upon and For the benefit of the parties' respective heirs, administrators, cxccutors, legal <br />representatives, successors, and assigns. No assignment of this Agreement shall release a party from liability for its <br />obligations hereunder. <br />5, if any provision contained in this Agreement is held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, the invalidity, <br />illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision. <br />6. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and cannot be changed except by their written consent. <br />7. By signing below, the parties to this transaction acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Agreement and give their <br />percussion to a Multiple Listing Service or other advertising media, if any, to publish infornlation regarding this <br />transaction. <br />8. Broker(s) may refer Buyer or Seller to other professionals, service providers or product vendors, inchding lenders, <br />loan brokers, title insurers, escrow companies, inspectors, surveyors, engilreers, consultants, enviromnental inspectors <br />and contractors. Broker(s) has no responsibility for the performance of any service provider and/or inspector.~Buyer <br />and Seller are free to select providers/inspectors other than those referred or recommended to them by Broker(s). <br />9. Buyer discloses to Seller that Buyer is licensed and holds License # N/A. Seller discloses to Buyer that Seller is <br />licensed and holds License # N/A. <br />10. Where the word "Broker" appears, it shall include any salesperson associated with the Broker's firm. <br />11. Any party who is the prevailing party against any other party in any legal or equitable proceeding relating to this <br />Agreement shall be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney fees from the non-prevailing parry. <br />12. The parties agree that this Agreement may be transmitted between them by facsiuule machine. The parties intend that <br />faxed signatures constitute original signatures and are binding on the parties. The original document shall be promptly <br />executed and/or delivered, if requested. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously or in two or more <br />counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constihrte one and the same <br />inst-rnnent. <br />13. Each person executing this Agreement on behalf of a party represents and warrants that he or she has been authorized <br />by all necessary action to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of such parTy. <br />R. CONSULT YOUR ADVISORS: Buyer and Seller acknowledge they have been advised that, prior to signing this <br />document they should seek the advice of an attorney for the legal or tax consequences of this document and the transaction <br />to which relates. In any real estate transaction, it is recommended that you consult with a professional, such as a civil <br />engineer, environmental engineer, or other person, with experience in evaluating the condition of the property, including the <br />possible presence of asbestos. hazardous and~or toxic materials and underground storage tanks. <br />S. CONFIRMATION OF RELATIONSHIP Buyer and Seller acknowledge that each has reviewed the disclosure herein, has <br />had the options explained, and the Buyer and Seller now confirm the Buyer's relationship with CB Richard Ellis and further <br />acknowledge that they understand and accept that relationship and the fact that the Buyer shall pay CB Richard Ellis a <br />commission of Five Percent (5%) at closing. <br />T. SELLER'S RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SALES DISCLOSURE: Buyer has not received an executed Seller's <br />Residential Real Estate Disclosure Form. <br />U. TERMINATION OF OFFER: Unless accepted by Seller and delivered to Buyer by 5:00 pm EST, the T~' day of <br />December, 2007, this Purchase Agreement shall be null and void and-all parties shall be released of any and all liability or <br />obligations. <br />Signature Prrge Follorns <br />• <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />