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53°08'24" West, 5.36 feet along said northwesterly line to the easterly line of a parcel of land <br />designated as parcel number 3 for Twyckenham Drive extension and relocated Edison Road <br />• on aRight-of--Way plat recorded August 16, 2005 as Document Number 0537239 in said <br />Recorder's Office and to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence along the <br />easterly and northerly lines of said parcel number 3 the following 5 courses and distances: <br />1) North 15°03'52" West, 80.12 feet; <br />2) North 09° 12' 15" West, 142.01 feet; <br />3) North 00°09'24" West, 106.80 feet; <br />4) North 21 ° 13' 12" East, 64.63 feet; <br />5) North 89° 10'21" East, 182.11 feet to the west boundary of vacated Ivy Road; thence South <br />00°46'11" East, 250.94 feet along said vacated Ivy Road to the northerly corner of the <br />aforementioned parcel conveyed to the State of Indiana for right-of--way purposes; thence <br />South 31°35'38" West, 27.44 feet along the northwesterly line of said parcel; thence South <br />53°08'24" West, 188.28 feet along the northwesterly line of said parcel to the point of <br />beginning, and containing 1.490 acres more or less. <br />Tax Key No.: 18-5102-3579; 17-1017-0406 (Original Parcels) <br />Address: Edison Road adjoining Twyckenham Drive extension on State Road 23 <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />• <br />• <br />