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I~E'G~~,~l~ 1~IEET'ING JUNE 22, 2449 214 <br />":t'l~srefors, 1~4r. Murphy rnade a motion that after review of the expenditures, the claims be <br />app:rovsd as submitted. 1l~Ir. Inl~s seconded the motion, which carried. <br />lal~I~TI~,:'EGE Cl~ TIgE ~I_,G~I'a <br />lvlfr.. 1~I~~~~ray l~illsr, representing local lTnion 645, questioned whether tl~s I~sgal I4spar-tment had <br />~~ cli~ancF; to review tl~e law regarding the City awarding bids 'to Iocal contractors over out-off state <br />contractors. Eoard .Attorney, Cheryl Grssns, stated she had reviewed and found that the law <br />~~ppliss to State projects, not local projects. I~/ls. Grssns noted she did not know if tl~ers is a <br />similar local law and she was having her law clerk research the subject. She explained that the <br />laws arc written specific to the state and specific to local goys nsnt. I~/lr. Gzlot added that even <br />loc~~l 1a~~7ds diffsz~sntiats between first class, second class, and third class cities. South fiend is <br />classifis~d as a second class city, so they woaald have to find a Iaw that is specific to second class <br />cit~cs that applies. I~dr. I~illsr gaaestioned if they would recomrncnd the 1Jnion try to get a similar <br />la~,v passed in Indiana, lips 1Vlichigan had, which requires the award of bids to favor local <br />~;oz~tractors over out-ol=state contractors. IVIs. Careens noted she is not his attorney and can`t <br />rscornm~°nd anything, however the Iaw in Il~ichigan is relatively new, only about a year old, and <br />when a poorly written law is new it usa.~ally gets challenged within the first year and ends up <br />bcirlg reviewed. Sl~s suggested a better approach is sometimes not to draft an squally bad law <br />that is open to challenge, but to raise issue and challenge an existing bad Iaw. 10iIr. Gilot stated in <br />su~ri~maray, the question would be if ws give preference to local contractors. There is nothing right <br />r~o~v In the lsgislat~.~rs, and before drafting anything, they would Head to determine what is local. <br />if a core tractor is just across the border in liilichigan, would they bs considered local or out of <br />~',tatc. <br />~~I~.ICUI~TI~I]BNT <br />1i'hsrs being no further business to corns before the board, upon a motion made by IVIr. Gilot, <br />seconded by l~r. I~~l~s and carried, the meeting adjourned at 14:55 a.m. <br />BOA GF I'~TEEIC O S <br />~ j " .. <br />_ t %'~ . <br />~ ~~% _ ~: <br />Gary A. Gilot, I~rssidcnt <br />~ f <br />~ "~ <br />i ~ -~ <br />Ibnald E. " nlcs, 1Vlsinbsr <br /> <br />J®I~~I-. I~lltirplly, lOilsrn~3 rm"'~.~~ <br />~~~ <br />f~TTEST: <br />I~incJa l~l. I~/Iar~tin, C1s~Ic ~ ~~ <br />