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<br />STAFF REPORT December 8, 1997 <br />Robert Henrv Comoanv, et al 1806-97 <br />Location: 1012, 1014 Western Avenue and <br />403, 411, 415, 419, 421 and 425 Parry <br />Street <br />City of South Bend <br />REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting a zone change <br />from "B" Residential, "B" Height and Area to <br />"D" Light Industrial, "E" Height and Area to <br />allow outside storage areas. <br />EXISTING LAND USE: The property contains single family homes and <br />vacant land. <br />SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Located to the north are single family homes <br />zoned "B" Residential, "B" Height and Area, to <br />the east are commercial businesses zoned "C" <br />Commercial, "D" Height and Area, to the south <br />are single family homes zoned "B" Residential <br />"B" Height and Area, and to the west is a <br />commercial business zoned "D" Light <br />Industrial, "E" Height and. Area. <br />ACCESS: Access to the site is from Western Avenue and <br />Parry Street. <br />WATER SOURCE/SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Water and sewer are available to the site. <br />DRAINAGE: The drainage has not been addressed by the <br />petitioner. <br />SITE DATA: The total site to be rezoned is 33,542 square <br />feet. Of that, the parking and drives and <br />storage areas will occupy 33,542 square feet, <br />or 100 percent of the site. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no <br />public wells, wetlands, flood or environmental <br />hazard areas are present. <br />SITE PLAN: The site plan is preliminary. <br />AGENCY COMMENTS: <br />PRELIMINARY <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information available prior to <br />the public hearing, the Staff recommends that <br />this petition be sent to the Common Council <br />with a favorable recommendation, subject to a <br />Final Site Plan. There is "D" Light <br />Industrial zoning to the west and "C" <br />Commercial zoning to the east of the site. In <br />most cases, the Staff would not recommend the <br />encroachment of industrial zoning into a <br />residential area, however, this small 1 block <br />area is in a state of transition where long <br />term residential viability is questionable. <br />