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of Sample Street; thence North 89° 51' 08" West along the South line of said Tract <br />3 a distance of 754.16 feet (North 89° 51' 46" West, 752.19', D.R. 669, Page 159) to <br />the Southwest corner of said Tract 3; thence North 29° 36' S0" East along the <br />Westerly line of said Tract 3 a distance of 676.64 feet (North 29° 30' S7" East, <br />675.78', D.R. 669, Page 159) to the Northwest corner of a parcel conveyed to the <br />City of South Bend as described in Deed Record 669, Page 159; thence North 89° 43' <br />44" East along the North line of a parcel conveyed to the City of South Bend as <br />described in Deed Record 669, Page 159 a distance of 784.81 feet (North 89° 42' S4" <br />East, 784.14', D.R. 669, Page 159) to the Northwest corner of said Lot Number 1; <br />thence continuing North 89° 43' 44" East along the North line of said Lot Number 1 <br />a distance of 676.77 feet (N 89° 42' S4" E, 676.75', Inst No. 9303861) to the West <br />Right of Way line of Lafayette Boulevard; thence South 0° 09' 06" East along said <br />West Right of Way line and the East line of said Lot Number 1 a distance of 319.02 <br />feet (S 0° 10' 42" E, 318.89' Inst No. 9303861); thence South 0° 10' 48" E, along said <br />West Right of Way line and the East line of said Lot Number 1 a distance of 278.97 <br />feet (S 0° 10' 48" E, 278.96' Inst No. 9303861) to the Point of Beginning and <br />containing 17.795 acres, more or less. <br />:ODMA\PCDOCS\SBDOCS 1\25224\2 A-2 <br />