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(100%) of the full replacement cost of the Projects as certified by a registered architect, registered <br />engineer, or professional appraisal engineer, selected by the Lessor, on the effective date of this <br />Lease, and on or before the first day of the anniversary date of this Lease of each year thereafter, <br />provided that such certification shall not be required so long as the amount of such insurance shall <br />be in an amount at least equal to the option to purchase price. Such appraisal may be based upon <br />a recognized index of conversion factors. The Lessee will, at all times during the full term of this <br />Lease, keep in effect, public liability and property damage insurance, insuring the Lessee, the Lessor, <br />and the Trustee in amounts customarily carried for similar properties. Such public liability and <br />property damage insurance may be provided under the public liability self-insurance program of <br />Lessee. During the full term of this Lease, Lessee will also, at its own expense, maintain rent or <br />rental value insurance in an amount equal to the full rental value of the leased facilities for a period <br />of two (2) years against physical loss or damage of the type insured against pursuant to the preceding <br />requirements of this clause. Such policies shall be for the benefit of persons having an insurable <br />interest in the demised premises, and shall be made payable to the Lessor or to such other person or <br />persons as the Lessor may designate. Such policies shall be countersigned by an agent of the insurer <br />who is a resident of the State of Indiana, and such policies, together with a certificate of the <br />insurance commissioner certifying that the persons countersigning such policies are duly qualified <br />in the State of Indiana as resident agents of the insurers on whose behalf they may have signed, and <br />the certificate of the architect or engineer hereinbefore referred to shall be deposited with the Lessor. <br />If, at any time, the Lessee fails to maintain insurance in accordance with this clause, such insurance <br />maybe obtained by the Lessor and the amount paid therefor shall be added to the amount of rental <br />payable by the Lessee under this Lease; provided, however, that the Lessor shall be under no <br />::ODMA\PCDOCS\SBDOCS 1\25224\2 _7_ <br />