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-. date, in which case they shall beat interest from the original date, until the principal shall be fully <br />paid. <br />SECTION 4. Transfer and Exchange of Bonds. Each 2009 Bond shall be transferable <br />or exchangeable only upon the Registration Record, by the registered owner thereof in writing, <br />or by the registered owner's attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of such 2009 <br />Bond together with a written instrument of transfer or exchange satisfactory to the Registrar duly <br />executed by the registered owner or such attorney, and thereupon a new fully registered 2009 <br />Bond or Bonds in the same aggregate principal amount, and of the same maturity, shall be <br />executed and delivered in the names of the transferee or transferees or the registered owner, as <br />the case may be, in exchange therefor. The costs of such transfer or exchange shall be borne by <br />the City except for any tax or governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the <br />transfer or exchange, which taxes or governmental charges are payable by the person requesting <br />such transfer or exchange. The City, the Registrar and the Paying Agent may treat and consider <br />the persons in whose names such 2009 Bonds are registered as the absolute owners thereof for all <br />purposes including for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal <br />thereof and interest and premium, if any, due thereon. <br />In the event any 2009 Bond is mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the City may execute <br />and the Registrar may authenticate a new bond of like date, maturity and denomination as that <br />mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, which new bond shall be marked in a manner to distinguish it <br />from the bond for which it was issued, provided that, in the case of any mutilated bond, such <br />mutilated bond shall first be surrendered to the Registrar, and in the case of any lost, stolen or <br />destroyed bond there shall be first furnished to the Registrar evidence of such loss, theft or <br />destruction satisfactory to the Fiscal Officer and the Registrar, together with indemnity <br />satisfactory to them. In the event any such bond shall have matured, instead of issuing a <br />duplicate bond, the City and the Registrar may, upon receiving indemnity satisfactory to them, <br />pay the same without surrender thereof. The City and the Registrar may charge the owner of <br />such 2009 Bond with their reasonable fees and expenses in this connection. Any 2009 Bond <br />issued pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed an original, substitute contractual obligation of <br />the City, whether or not the lost, stolen or destroyed 2009 Bond shall be found at any time, and <br />shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Ordinance, equally and proportionately with any and all <br />other 2009 Bonds issued hereunder. <br />SECTION 5. Registrar and Paying Agent. The Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to <br />appoint a qualified financial institution to serve as Registrar and Paying Agent for the 2009 <br />Bonds (together with any successor, the "Registrar" or "Paying Agent"). The Registrar is hereby <br />charged with the responsibility of authenticating the 2009 Bonds, and shall keep and maintain <br />the Registration Record at its office. The Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to enter into such <br />agreements or understandings with such institution as will enable the institution to perform the <br />_ .services required of a Registrar and Paying Agerit. The Fiscal Officer is further authorized to <br />pay such fees and the institution may charge for the services its provides as Registrar and Paying <br />• ,Agent and_ such fees. may be paid from the Sinking Fund established to pay the principal of and <br />. , ..interest afi the 2009 Bons as hscal agency charges.- <br />,. ~~ ~ The R.G;gi~trar anc~ P.ay~ng ~,gen;t.may a.t any time resign. as .Registrar. and Paying Agent by <br />. ._,giving. tk~.~rty (30~ days noti.,:e t~ the Ca_t~, and by first-class mai' to eacl: registered owner <br />-~7- <br />