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engineers employed by the City, which cost estimates, plans and specif cations are hereby <br />approved and are hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in full at this place, two copies <br />of which are on file and available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk pursuant to <br />I.C. §36-1-5-4. The actions of the Board taken in connection with the Project are hereby <br />approved, ratified, and confirmed. The Project shall be constructed and the bonds herein <br />authorized shall be issued pursuant to and in accordance with the Act. The terms "works" and <br />"utility" and other like terms where used in this Ordinance shall be construed to mean and <br />include all structures and property of the City's waterworks utility (and its Drinking Water <br />System as defined in the Financial Assistance Agreement) and all real estate and equipment used <br />in connection therewith and appurtenances thereto, and all extensions, additions and <br />improvements thereto and replacements thereof now or at anytime hereafter constructed or <br />acquired). <br />SECTION 2. Authorization of Obligations. <br />(a) The City shall issue its "Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2009" (the "2009 <br />Bonds"), in one or more series (as designated by the City, a "Series"), in an original principal <br />amount not to exceed Six Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,200,000) (the <br />"Authorized Amount"), as negotiable, fully registered bonds, for the purpose of procuring funds <br />to be applied to the costs of the Project, including without limitation reimbursement of <br />preliminary expenses related thereto and all incidental expenses incurred in connection therewith <br />(all of which are deemed to be a part of the Project), and the costs of selling and issuing the 2009 <br />Bonds and funding a debt service reserve as described herein. The City reasonably expects to <br />reimburse expenditures for the Project with the proceeds of the 2009 Bonds and this constitutes <br />a declaration of official intent to reimburse expenditures under Treas. Reg. 1.150-2(e) and <br />Indiana Code 5-1-14-6(c). The 2009 Bonds shall rank on parity for all purposes with the Prior <br />Bonds. <br />The 2009 Bonds shall be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars <br />($1,000) or any integral multiple thereof, or in authorized denominations of One Dollar ($1.00) <br />consistent with the requirements of the SRF Program or the Indiana Bond Bank, numbered <br />consecutively from 1 upward, and dated the date of delivery. The 2009 Bonds shall bear interest <br />at a rate or rates not exceeding seven percent (7%) per annum, and interest shall be payable <br />semiannually on January 1 and July 1 in each year, with the beginning date of interest payments <br />being finally determined by the Mayor as the executive of the City (the "Executive") and the <br />Controller as the fiscal officer of the City, or any acting, assistant or deputy controller of the City <br />(the "Fiscal Officer"), as evidenced by delivery of the executed initial issue of the 2009 Bonds to <br />the Registrar for authentication. The 2009 Bonds shall be sold pursuant to I.C. 5-1-11, as <br />amended, unless sold to the Indiana Finance Authority through the SRF Program or the Indiana <br />Bond Bank. Interest on the BANs and the 2009 Bonds shall be calculated according to a 360- <br />day calendar year containing twelve 30-day months. The 2009 Bonds shall mature beginning not <br />earlier than January 1, 2011 and on January 1 of each year thereafter over a period ending not <br />later than 20 years after substantial completion cf the Project, in su:.h amounts as is deemed <br />appropriate by the Executive, as evidenced by delivery or the executed initial issue of the 2009 <br />Bonds to the Registrar for authentication, provided that if ar~y o` th:. 200:' Bon; s are sold to the <br />Indiana Finance Authority through the rk~ Program, ±he;~ in ,:.•:~~~:I: ~~;ounts that will p:-oduce <br />-4- <br />