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ORDINANCE NO. ~ 13 ~ ~ 0 1 <br />An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />Concerning the Construction of Improvements to the Municipal Waterworks of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana; Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds for such <br />Purpose in the Principal Amount not to exceed Six Million Two Hundred Thousand <br />($6,200,000); Addressing Other Matters Connected Therewith, Including the <br />Issuance of Notes in Anticipation of Bonds; and Repealing Ordinances Inconsistent <br />Herewith <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The City of South Bend, Indiana (the "City") has heretofore established, constructed and <br />financed a municipal waterworks and now owns and operates said works pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5, <br />as amended, and other applicable laws (together, the "Act"). <br />The City's Municipal Waterworks Utility is subject to the authority and regulation of the <br />Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ("IURC") and has not withdrawn from the lURC's <br />authority and regulation. The City will receive IURC approval prior to issuance of the 2009 <br />Bonds (as hereinafter defined). <br />The Common Council of the City (the "Council") now finds that certain improvements to <br />said works are necessary; and that plans, specifications and estimates have been prepared and <br />filed by the engineers employed by the City for the acquisition and construction of said <br />improvements (as described more fully on Exhibit A) (the "Project"), which plans and <br />specifications or other pertinent information have been or in a timely fashion will be submitted to <br />all government authorities having jurisdiction, particularly the Indiana Department of <br />Environmental Management ("IDEM"), if and to the extent IDEM approval is required under <br />Indiana law, and have been or will be approved by the aforesaid government authorities and are <br />hereby incorporated herein by reference and open for inspection at the office of the clerk of the <br />City as required by law. <br />The City has obtained engineer's estimates of the costs for the construction of the Project, <br />and on the basis of said estimates, the estimated cost of the Project, including incidental <br />expenses, will not exceed the amount of $6,200,000. <br />The City's Department of Waterworks has prepared preliminary descriptions, <br />specifications and estimates of the costs of the Project and, on or about May 26, 2009, the City's <br />Board of Public Works (the "Board") adopted resolutions whereby they: (i) determined that the <br />Project and the issuance of bonds to provide financing of the Project, together with expenses <br />incidental thereto, are necessary and will be of general benefit to the City and its citizens; (ii) <br />approved the Project and the issuance of the City of South Bend, Indiana Waterworks Revenue <br />